a undershot dog that worked for 8 seasons, bred from twice produced workers
nuttall own motley crew of terriers( pre Breay blood) where a right mix of types, border/pit/fell blood told to me by the man himself, anyway i'd just worry weather the parents and grand parents of yours are workers, Poker and the rest will have little bearing on your dogs, some breeders produce between 5-10 generations every decade ...good luck with what you have now
Poker was out of Nuttalls Penny by Nuttalls Punch, Poker was line bred on Mr Breays Rusty and Kipper with a couple of lines back to working border's, the rest of the blood was Nuttalls pit/cross blood so i was told
the dog Tuffty on about was bred by a friend who's on here and sure he'd of given out the breeding if he want everyone to know about it, that dog has nothing to do with Nuttalls terriers or nuttalls Zulu ....
to quote the movie
Pte. Thomas Cole: Why is it us? Why us?
Colour Sergeant Bourne: Because we're here, lad. Nobody else. Just us.
i enjoyed a lot of the terrier books , the working terrier ,fell terrier and the complete jrt but he did a the working terrier great disservise writing rubbish like TROG, he liked the showbizz and the coin just like the rest of the people who write books
Penny ? i don't know , but Poker was Penny's son.. i've got to be honest i lost all interest in what Nuttall was breeding in the mid 's and there are a lot of people on here who know more about the man and his terriers than i do
the whole plummer thing is old hat now and the gossip was written by some young guy,who was that guy ???!!!! he couldn't wait to fill the old man shoes lol
i'm getting f*****g old when i write this stuff but before the new breed of McDonald terrier owners turned up it was all about taking a well bred pup and making it a worker! BBB is spot on and even if the pup wants to go and you let it and it works like a veteran,remember its a pup up 2 years old, you have to be the brains in partnership or hopefully you are ! make the terrier don't break it ...enjoy and good luck
Flesh,skin, bone,tripe cod liver oil tabs from the £shop now and then a good seeded brown loaf, i feed a lot more pork in the winter heads and trotters, never feed all in one... a raw egg on the morning before work
don't worry about line breeding working terrier unless your willing to give it 20 years and the rest, show dogs you only need about 5 years...you don't get a lot of faults when breeding from tested stock as working sorts out the wheat from the chaff