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Everything posted by Glyn.....

  1. that's why there's so much shit about now
  2. i'm not fat i've worked hard to keep my voluptuous figure
  3. do you lot fancy starting a thread with your user names on to grind your axes ?
  4. With a bit of time, patience and a few more digs, most things can be explained. Shoot dogs quick enough or get rid and you'd never understand what made them tick or not. Those guys got a bitch that was working well, well bred, thought they saw one mistake and got rid. Yet she never put a foot wrong before or after they had her? For me these are the interesting things about the sport and terriers, but too many guys think it's a simple game, dog looks side ways? shoot it. Maybe it was the first time game had dug away from the bitch? burst past the bitch? They wouldn't have know if she was
  5. line bred i very much doubt, at least there cheap !!!
  6. With a bit of time, patience and a few more digs, most things can be explained. Shoot dogs quick enough or get rid and you'd never understand what made them tick or not. Those guys got a bitch that was working well, well bred, thought they saw one mistake and got rid. Yet she never put a foot wrong before or after they had her? For me these are the interesting things about the sport and terriers, but too many guys think it's a simple game, dog looks side ways? shoot it. Maybe it was the first time game had dug away from the bitch? burst past the bitch? They wouldn't have know if she was
  7. the Bitch should never have been for sale in the first place! but that said, the person who bought her already had a bitch all most the same way breed no problems with her.. the bitch which came off went to a man who's word i'll take because if nothing else i've been drunk with him and dug with him...he had seen her work before she was sold, and tells me when given time to heal, worked well for him until her death ...just to add the last time some f****r asked about dogs i bred.. pups with hung papers appeared on epups or pets4you ....there is no such thing as a pickaxe line and when there is
  8. i'm sorry but the wild canidae argument is a bit weak when talking working dogs and even further off the mark when talking working terriers, your not going to find many wolves, coyotes or even ferals such as dingo's risking injury every time they hunt... so we've selected dogs that work and work well we have produced types, and if a dog can do what is the hardest of jobs week in week out , can feed and breed without help then i for one don't care if its teeth are a bit out, i'm glad i've never culled a dog/pup for a undershot mouth, or a prick ear or curly tail or a color ...those who want hel
  9. look out for a undershot one, they'll be very cheap
  10. what ever someone will pay for one
  11. i just think its a non issue, the only reason undershot is thought of by some as a faults is because some one wrote it in a breed standard, breed standards on the whole are written by people who like to show there dogs or stand around saying my dogs a perfect type for the breed, i want a dog for work and the work of a terrier is more demanding of that of any breed, if a dog lives long enough to prove its worth as a worker breed from it...the last thing i worry about is breed standards for show dogs and the length of a dogs muzzle ...and Jawn since i tend to pick my pups before there 3 months o
  12. who first stated that a scissor bite is perfect and a undershot mouth was a fault ? the SHOW people, A undershoot dog within reason is as healthy and as able to do its job as any scissor bite, I've known terriers which have been undershoot stay to ground for days, kill foxes like mice (pre-ban) feed, groom and reproduce with no help whats so ever, I've seen terriers with scissor bites do all the same things, but I've also seen Terriers with a Scissor bite with weak thin muzzles and jaws, as longs as your dog can do the job it was breed to do, a under bite or a scissor bite won't matter, BRE
  13. i've shared this on my face book page lets hope they catch the c**ts
  14. i like that "Sometimes, some jack try to struggle with the badger. I don't like it because generally badger is the first winner and the vet the second winner"
  15. Cheers he was a hard bugger, the two bitches where better worker
  16. Chaz and Tilly ...both good at what they did
  17. old Jess R.I.P one of the best I've dug to
  18. if your looking at the pat/fell black, brown or pink , i think the line is the Breay/Buck ...from which many other people bred family's of Terriers
  19. the Dogs have been found at the dog wardens at the waterfall kennels, unsure at the moment weather they where dumped or handed in ...at least there found
  20. fat man her mother was and one of the best i've dug to
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