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Everything posted by Glyn.....

  1. she's 11 months been bursting to go since she first smelt a earth at 4 months, she was gifted to me by a friend
  2. with out a doubt different times and most of the bitches back then would of been from working kennels back then the blacks did shit at shows
  3. well Neil which ever version of Smithys breeding you wish to use he is Maybe a F1 if the Cowen/Nuttalls right nuttall blood at the time was mainly breay/buck blood others have said Smiths breeding also breay/buck blood, others say Brightmoore i doubt scatter-bred, i'd love to know as my dogs have a fair few lines going back to him, one thing for sure very few of the best workers out there don't carry a drop of Smithys blood
  4. Smithy a big dog, in the back ground of a lot of terriers, there where very few black terrier around when he was at stud
  5. to produce a line type such as what we call the patterdale Century's if you look at old photo' of Bowmans terrier then jump fifty years to breay/buck early stuff you can see the link , what most of us have are family's just my opinion
  6. Mosby i've watched people loosely line bred for a couple of generations then they are looking for new blood undoing any good they may have done, takes years to need outcross unless your one of those mating there tested stock at 2 years old
  7. the problem with most breeding is people outcross far to soon
  8. The N.W.T.F. Code of Conduct for Terrier Work http://www.terrierwork.com/nwtfcode.htm
  9. think it depends on the dog , i'd be very disappointed in one not showing interest in going to ground from 6-9 months ..showing interest not entering although i have let some have a look at 9 months, yo-yo's rarely make the grade, hard dogs can settle if not expected to do to much in the first season, bayers well they will get better after 2 years old as they get to grips at the end ....but holding back is different to no interest so each to there own..... Two pups breed 2011 brother sister line/inbred dog pup found and self entered and was dug at 7 months with a vixen the bitch a bit shyer st
  10. Cheers Tatty, she's in her 2nd season nice steady bayer
  11. http://www.terrierwork.com/nwtfraffle.htm buy a raffle ticket this would look lovely on your wall
  12. how i look at it, if we are lucky enough to get our hands on some good blood , its our duty not to f**k it up and thats the working side, i've had the same family of dogs since the early 80's i've line bred and inbred and outcrossed in that time, i now have a young bitch 5 generations from my first brood bitch won't bore you with details , but as long as all you want is workers as good as what you started with don't worry about things such as correct bites, good coats, colour ,short backs and pointy tails just worry about do they work ,
  13. when it happens it will be like the parsons a few big gobs will mate up the blacks with kc lakies or welsh hang papers.. oh dear and all them rough looking undershoot long backed and poor coated dogs will still be getting dirty
  14. these look ok http://bumblebeecollars.co.uk/Terrier-Couples.php ... i've got the B+F good gear but the brass wears thin pretty fast , will keep the collars and get nickle fittings
  15. give it a try you may like it ....2 sec on your mouse
  16. its shame more people don't just take 2 sec of there time and vote
  17. http://focusingonwildlife.com/news/poll-should-the-fox-hunting-laws-in-the-uk-be-relaxed/#comment-7811
  18. R.I.P Tam , the terrier world is a sadder place with the loss of another unsung hero, thoughts are with his family
  19. and wheeler and spartacus got their bull blood from the same one bitch ?.. or is tess and one eyeball different bitches my dog is grandson of jg's ice x la's grip thats him in picture below when he was 6 months, 3 days after i got him... very different to what i had for sure, much bigger much longer soft coat.. do a search on here
  20. both lines would go back to the breay/buck line ,Spartacus line via his Dam the wheeler stuff from the Nuttall blood .... both also have one other thing in common they have bull in them , maybe the fawning nature of some of these hybrids comes from the bull blood
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