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Everything posted by Glyn.....

  1. Foxbolter what your calling mongolisms , wont can't really happen in working terriers well i hope not the one factor which stops it they are bred for work not walking around the show ring , work sorts out both the physical and mental fitness of a terrier ,any weakness soon shows up and the dog will fail , its work that makes or breaks them in the end
  2. the breeding has suited me,i have a bitch pup at the moment which is her grt grt grand daughter not sure if that is 4 or 5 gens
  3. Did you get said bitch from Wheeler mate and how much DID you pay .He was quite sketchy on breeding the one time I visited and I've since gleaned what I needed from others though been lead a bit predictably .One gap needed is Razors sire .Wheeler pointed at a dog that was barely older than him .pm if preferred . no Wheeler blood in my terriers Foxdropper, my first bitch sire was from Poker put to a daughter of Smithy and Rags , her dam was bred from nuttalls penny punch via Blitz2 , she cost me £45 at 6 weeks old a week and half wages then lol
  4. to me a line of terriers is a term used loosely for say nuttall or gould its a broad church all sorts breed them and for many different reasons some may have very little blood of any kennel , within these lines there are tight bred hopefully for work family's or kennel where a few people maintain related terriers for purpose, that purpose not being coin or fame , to have terriers as good as those terriers grandparents , once you have a certain type they can't really be improved on if they could why not jack it in and get pups from that family or that line which is better .... line breeding
  5. was she line bred or just worker to worker line bred worker to worker
  6. i paid a hell of a lot of money for my first bitch pup , i was lucky she proved to be a very good worker and a fair old brood
  7. Lots of plans that didn't come about, would of love to of had more pups from one bitch but lost her to ground so i used her half sister , but the nature of the beast makes you change your plans, luckily when i started most lines where only a few gens down from the masters blood line ,fairly happy with how they are still going now , if i had another 50 years to breed and work them i think i'd be getting some where
  8. i would go back to the person who has been line breeding them and ask for some advise he may well know of a dog bred like buster work like buster and throws pups like buster , you have to ask yourself are you trying to take a line forward or are you trying to reinvent the wheel try and find some books on breeding animals for propose i'll read any thing to do with stock breeding be it cattle to fowl to pit dogs
  9. in my opinion your on the right track, get ready for a lot of disappointments, like terriers not being good enough to breed from, losing that real good one , dogs you've farmed out to others not available for all the reasons under the sun , don't try and do it all on your own it can't be done .....most important thing don't lie to yourself edited to say are your base stock line bred from different lines or breeding unknown ? also don't go culling healthy pups you my regret it , edited again to say putting Joe over this daughter and then his daughter/ grand daughter, will give you no/l
  10. I use a combo , and i like to use a stud from a litter with a few dogs in it , working out how they all work and picking which i think is the best and tinytiger you read it right ,
  11. a father daughter mating one had extra toes, most common for a while was weak runts and fades , and over all you get a drop in litter size , which i don't mined as the ones which are left are good ones physically then like every pup you wait for the day it starts work , then one day maybe breed from it if it works well
  12. i did have a few and could well have a few yet , i found when they get tight bred i couldn't risk father/daughter , mother son or full brother sister without physical defects, even the healthy ones from such mating's needed outcross ,so no point in breeding them , i like half brother half sister mating although mine will also be cousins as well its a trial and error , i think breeding a type would be easy breeding workers is hard work with a good pinch of luck
  13. this is what worked for me ..R was a bitch N and T1 where related ...D was related but a bit rather back.T was a double bred grandson of R from R to TB 30 years , shortest route 4 gens i'm not putting the dogs names up they end up getting hung on all sorts
  14. the difference between Mr Nuttalls line and Mr Stevens Family, the one has been in decline for 35 years due to the breeders ego and love of coin , and the other family has been in decline for about a decade because of the egos and love of coin of other
  15. who ever has a smithy line please let me know ? your right Neil , it was just a dog after all
  16. only a few weeks until the draw , help protect your sport ? !!! .... although most of you , probs only 5 min wonders , talk the talk not walk the walk ?
  17. wish it was that easy the painting is off to Barrie for the draw,
  18. yes sorry they are at the moment printer retired, and i had only got 60 printed, so it looks like they are going to be a bit rare !
  19. i like this photo so i'll share it ...Tinker Bell 22 weeks old
  20. cheers Neil , we can but try Yorkshire email Barrie i'm sure he can sort some kind of payment out with you
  21. the raffle will be drawn on the 25TH of April 2015, please use the form and send before the 8/4/15
  22. thats Fair enough , who knows they could even have smithy blood
  23. he's still being talked about because he was a great dog that produced great dogs, just out of interest foxbolter , what terriers do you keep , what blood line ?
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