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Everything posted by Glyn.....

  1. I have a friend who has bought direct from AC, he had no problem parting with the money and AC had no problem taking it so I can't see why it has f**k all to do with people on here the man spent a life time breeding them if he wants some coin for spare pups good luck to him, or he could just give them to every genuine up and coming terrier lad that phone him lol and watch them c**ts sell them on in 6 months
  2. dogs that go in and get smashed about 6 a year if your lucky , dogs that go in with skill and kill can be worked as often as you can get them in my old bitch Raven could kill in seconds and when she was young and learning her craft i put her in a few times when huntsman wanted bolts they where often pissed off with me (this was pre-ban when you could own and work such a terrier and when you could bolt for hounds ) of all the terriers that have been lost to work and thankfully not that many they all died on fox all where rough workers and killers and 75% died due to killing one fox push
  3. yes the photo's still on there , but not Nuttall's dog was bred in Derbyshire this terrier is long dead, died at work in north wales in running sand under clay feb 1988,
  4. The Rags in this breeding was Ken gould's Rags
  5. I was never given the breeding of smithy and rags sorry
  6. i dug to Pokers Son ( out of a smithy/rags daughter) regularly handy terrier produced some handy stuff i had a daughter and line bred from her
  7. I totally disagree. I bring all my terriers, pups included ,for exercise a few times a week onto land that has plenty of rabbits. The reason I use this land is because I'm 100% certain there's no earths on it. My terriers regularly see the rabbits, maybe even chase them, and if the terriers don't hunt them in covert then my Springers are anyway and if one breaks covert then the lurcher will chase it. When out for a dig and one of my terriers goes to ground I can say with 100% confidence that it's not a rabbit it's after. In fact I'd put money on it. Also, if away from busy roads the terri
  8. I had a pup out of micky it was rubbish mate had a half brother great worker mate had a half brother to micky great worker back then pay your money take your chance
  9. I thought basic color genetics and been cover on here but here goes a black carrying a choc gene mated to a black with no gene /dilution will produce black but some will carry the choc gene but if your line/inbreeding them keeping tight for work sooner or later two carrying the choc gene are mated at some point and can produce choc maybe all maybe just one this is how a color not seen for a few gens suddenly turns up in a line same with white ,red or grizzle...A choc dog I once had was mated back to his black daughter and produced a litter of border type the bitch carried grizzle which masked
  10. Choc does come black in any case most of the nuttall's stuff can be traced to rusty and kipper who's dam was a choc
  11. All mine go back a fair way to Brian's stuff penny punch via blitz2 and poker also a line back to micky who was also bred down from penny via rocky some come big some small some great workers some shit get the right stuff and to me they can't be bettered
  12. I would like to say thank you to the organisers and those who turned up to show for a lovely welcome to both myself and my daughter. I look forward to a day out with Andy and Woods in the winter. Also a big thank you to Paul for picking us up and dropping us back at the train station. Will definitely be coming down to this well run show again. Regards Glyn.
  13. visiting my daughter in Swansea , think i'll pop to this one
  14. i've owned and worked a few with supposed bad mouths the bitch in my avatar was under shot but a fine terrier to work , i think in my own and maybe in the base stock they came from that undershot is dominant and scissor bite recessive as one branch of these where bred from two undershot good workers that produced good workers most of there pups came with scissor bite, mated to cousins also with scissor bite produced scissor bite any way its complicated shit and although i havn't had a undershot pup in a couple of gens it could still pop up , and if that pup is healthy with good bone and of
  15. in the first clip, in the hedge is that hogwart in flower and is it meadow sweet growing along side it ?
  16. they look 6-8 weeks old early cubs , earliest litter i ever had was on sunday 6th feb 1994 they were about 3 days old , i can't remember if it was a mild winter but i made a note , "me and Martin walked the mountain,joined at the earth by Em and Gordon Rags marked only 2 foot deep lots of rock , big vixen and 5 cubs, looked a few days old very early , Rags was full on and paid for it , it was very cold glad to get home"
  17. http://www.countrylife.co.uk/publication/country-life big market this summer , every stable will need one
  18. i started this by telling fuckwits how to put mud in a hole, the egos on here have turned it into what they do
  19. trust Stando to have a picnic basket in his hand
  20. very nice all back to the same root stock foxbolter
  21. it starts before digging on grass land cut and remove turf and stack it up usually you've cut a square depending on depth to what size it is , after you've done your pest control , refill with the soil you have removed but because you are also filling the tube or stop end you may need to carry some earth from a spoil heap, stamp the soil down and replace the tuft easy ? not for the muppets i had to tidy up for this morning !
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