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Everything posted by Glyn.....

  1. i can trace mine back abit further than that i've had terriers all related to each other for the last 33 year they in turn came mainly from BN kennel with a outcross or two most of which where bred down from the Breay/Buck line i'm not going for KC yet , but some lines can be traced back for about a 100 years
  2. two of my best have been "noise machine " both would bay until just before day light then they did the job and held tight
  3. would could maybe , the B+F is over priced and customer service shit but without the collar lot of terrier would have been lost ! rspca would kill every working terrier they could get there hands on, so lets not turn on our own its the rspca that are the problem far as data base of addresses are concerned i be more worried about certain authors
  4. i'm not fighting anyone this thread is nothing but bad news,
  5. A data base so the police and rspca can contact them b+f .....FFS how long until the police take that information and give it to the rspca and lads doing legal terrier work are pulled and framed or the names and addresses pasted on to ANTI'S and people are getting shit and dogs are going missing saved from their lives of hunting ...this thread should of been pulled
  6. its a bit daft arguing about which terriers are better i've spoken to terriermen form across the pond and for those talking work they are no different than lads over here, they live and breath working dogs they would love to dig our quarry as much as i would like to try theirs, variety the spice of life they say, I've known good earth dogs that get well lost in the 3d world of a rock pile with scent coming at them from all angles, although given time they will work it out but if one of the new breed gossips and smart ass is out that day your terrier will all be shit and some other gossip kno
  7. These days I think it's hard for some people to understand how rare the black dog was add this to people who wanted to make coin and the famous studs appeared,it the stud did reproduce good workers which where good stud your soon out of business. ....never see the likes of poker smithy blitz ext again
  8. Cheers , Corkman , got to agree with you he is one of the great characters,
  9. i like JP i could sit and listen chat with him for hours, heard mainly good things about his dogs , the man could of made a fortune when one of the inky show biz boys was up his arse but he never always liked his type nice to see some of you carrying on the type JP and me about 16 years ago
  10. small enough to get there and big enough to stay,
  11. Pitch and Blade to handy terriers , Pitch was a outcross for me i used harcombe Danny, 7 pups most died from a defect and as such pitch was never bred from
  12. these are not mine and i don't know the owner but it came up on a news feed thought i'd share here https://www.(!64.56:886/groups/664279960260357/permalink/1285934924761521/?pnref=story http://www.wrexham.com/news/appeal-launched-to-trace-two-dogs-five-puppies-stolen-from-bwlchgwyn-123598.html
  13. i've never given up on a dog after one bad day, but we are all different , it would be pointless you running on the pups now as you have already lost your faith in them
  14. if you have good working borders keep them that way , the border/lakey was a generic name given to fell types before fell / patterdale names where given it was the first boom of colored terriers i saw as a teenager in the 70's and as now you paid your money took your chance , a lot where half Russell / white bred by people ready to cash in on the craze and any colored pup was sold as border/lakey ,one well known dog in my area a stunning looking but useless black and tan thing mated loads of white bitches, and father a lot of white pups as well . saw a fair few work most where crap ok doubl
  15. which of his books is this photo in RH
  16. i met Bert at a taxidermist house and at a show or two a nice man i was only a kid , chatted terriers with him he didn't like hard stupid dogs which many black terriers where but not all... but i'm pretty sure someone told me that some of Berts best terriers in the 70's where white sports from the Breay/Buck line or at least carried lines to them
  17. i've watched it a couple of times now and the filming skills and editing are bad to say the least, i know that 2 digs and a bolt i was involved with where edited to together badly to make it look like two bolts , that said some very good snippets of some true gentlemen of the game , and some good footage of a rescue, if the club still own all the film footage maybe get some one who knows what they are doing to reedit it and release it as new
  18. this is the spitting image of my first terrier , or i should say family terrier as he was born before me "Spot" he was out of my Taids bitch Topsy who looked the same but shorter in the leg by a dog from i think billy brooks a jcb diver who swapped terriers with and bred from Bert's dogs , i'll see if i can find a photo, they where just called wire terriers then not russells
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