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Everything posted by Glyn.....

  1. i've not become a total c**t the guy who help you out , who is a sound guy at that , if very ugly like a pink shrek , got one from me , and around and around its goes .......just sitting here waiting for a bite :)
  2. That was in the beginning I paid and the two studs i paid for afterwards I started line breeding I gifted pups to my friends and i used to sell a pup to someone I didn't know if they proved themyself trust worthy they never paid for another, I haven't bred a litter for 11 years so the 5 pups I've had since then where gifted back ......would I give a pup to a stranger I doubt it these days
  3. i paid for it and a lot of money at the time, paid to use stud dogs i was never gifted nothing, lots of work for the terriers and lots of selection
  4. what I've learnt for a nice stress free life and it wasn't a nice education ..... if i don't need a pup i don't breed one , its just easier to say no and let them be upset for not getting what they want , if the pups turn out crap its the dogs fault and there is always a chance you'll be seeing the blood for sale if not this generation then next
  5. i've used the B&F the leather is good thick lasting 9 years so far but the brass fitting wear out fast, i'll have to go to a show this year see whats on offer
  6. I Don't do commissions , but now and again friends post a photo of their dogs that i like so i do a drawing for them, here are a couple of terrier ones
  7. a long time ago , one of my brood Bitches with a pup which became someone else's brood bitch
  8. i don't know about the eye, but i'm not a fan of these fancy dog foods , because i'm to tight to pay for them, i fed mine mainly on whole chicken wings , i get frozen from a super market,fed raw sometimes frozen , cooked green veg, plus peelings from spuds and carrots brown rice cooked in stock and i buy tripe in 500g frozen blocks give each terrier about a 100g a week , table scrapes and when i buy fish i buy with the heads on, heads tails and bones make a stock for the rice , can get pigs head and chop them up but i only feed pork in the winter when they can work the fat off
  9. see alot turning up in terriers with DW blood in them, i was told that if you don't add a black to your choc bred stuff now again the pigment get more dilute, but so long as they work
  10. If your out digging and someone is messing about with their phone hit them with the spade
  11. i'm not being touchy , and if you read my post correctly i wrote the first litter all worked it was the 2nd litter by them both that disappointed me, and i was pleased with the 3rd and as it happen the 4th , what i have now is bred the same way and work single handedly , I've read your posts most are negative so please in-lighten me as to the blood you keep or class as good blood ?
  12. if you wish to ask me a question do so without the sly undertones
  13. yes that theory is wide spread in my area mainly hound men but they don't like to breed tight neither , from my own observations, i've not found it not to be true on the whole older bitches have less pups especially if they have had other litters as a egg can't take hold on scare tissue left from the imbecile of previous litters, this can also cause miscarriage and she may have a little bit of a difficult time rearing them just because she's getting on but the genetics's will be the same , i suppose if the bitch used to have 6 pups and two where rubbish , then when older she had 3 pup and
  14. go with your old bitch don't get tied up with what ifs , breeding anything has a risk involved get her back to the best working related dog and take the chance , as all ready said a lot of luck or chance involved , i once bred a dog and bitch and got 5 pups , good enough to grace any kennel anywhere , i've got this game cracked i think to myself , next litter brought me back to ground all but one where rubbish, 3rd litter thank god i was back on track , but i had to take a chance
  15. your bang on with that , as stando said earlier in the thread good bitches good dogs get good pups , i'm not over keane on some of these huge dogs you see , but if all things where equal in the works department i'm more likely to use a dog which is tad bigger than one which a tad small , as you have to keep thinking about he whole family when you are line breeding on the subject of using a younger animal i did about 20 years ago , i had bred a hell of a good dog out of DF Dingo and was going to use him on a bitch but he was stolen out of the back of the land rover that weekend , but w
  16. i've been lucky enough to chat about breeding with some of what i class as greats worker breeders of the type i like , but as Dillydog has said we only have the one life time, i've had my own terriers 42 years the blacks for 34 and all I've learnt is we are only maintaining the old blood lines, i sat in a pub once after a terrier show, no one knew me , and these young lads were talking loud enough for the whole pub to hear but anyway they were justly proud of their little dogs , but they were saying things like he's the best out of the line best they had ever seen , and how this/that generati
  17. Put the best to the best , hope for the best and cull the rest
  18. when discussing a bitch my own stuff is bred down from Brian Nuttall told me in the 50's there were still a few good working Cairn about the place , one dog a light choc/ginger with a pink nose was brought down from Scotland and bred into a few fell lines , the dog was a very good worker having worked fox,badger and otter and was a size the terriermen/huntsman liked , these days as already said can't see way they wouldn't be good ratters or bolt the odd fox
  19. Fat man stating the obvious is what is done on forums, what is obvious and common knowledge to many it isn't to newbi's many may not know that one of the easiest ways the rspca take peoples dogs is because they have not taken them to be treated by a vet
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