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Everything posted by Glyn.....

  1. those photos i posted of nuttalls early stuff where not typical of the type he produced and although of a type he liked he told me they were reckless at work , i think he did try and bred the type, a lot of the AC stuff i've seen on these threads looks more like the early stuff i first saw
  2. I should think it was deliberate, he knew how to breed terriers ,
  3. i agree these where a lot bigger the bronze bitch in the flesh wasn't tall but she weighed a ton
  4. No i never saw a dog called Spate , i can't really comment on Brian's terriers , the last time i worked one bred by him was 20 years ago, we had a disagreement over which bitch he wanted to bring to a dog i once owned and we never really got on terms again , that said he is a top man and a expert terrier breeder
  5. These and the other i posted photo's of go back to terrier that on the whole left Brian's yard in the 70's others including myself( from the 80's) bred for what we needed, when i've been to Brians which i have to be honest the last time i was there was about 15 years ago , there was a mix of types a couple of bitches i'd of taken home lovely strong types , lot of the others where bug eyed weaklings but still doing the job
  6. These are my mates terriers Dog and bitch line bred from our Nuttall stock
  7. there are plenty if you know , me and my mates been breeding working this nuttall shit for nearly 40 years , maybe well be in fashion again soon lol
  8. first photo Punch and Brock 2 , not sure if it was Walts Punch 2 or Nuttalls , both line bred on Breays Kipper/Rusty , 2nd photo KP Flint and the 3rd Brians Penny and Punch 1
  9. a few from the beginning of time(pre 1980 lol ) Bred By Brian Nuttall
  10. there has always been cowboys , i could embarrass a few well known from my area , once out with a gun pack i saw 7 terrier released Fenton bred anyone remember that hype , loads bought into it lol anyway this was not doubling up or 7ups whole lot were shit , that was my last day with that pack , there are some low standards out there in the past and now
  11. Nice what size is he and how was his first go
  12. Cheers , Recent pic , about an hour ago , she a handy bitch i'm hoping she'll give me a good bitch pup when the time comes
  13. mine will be a late start as i need to breed some pups , but if i need to i've people to cover my ass with call outs
  14. but even when you are warned do you take any notice or advice No , and since you don't you go ahead and contact the aforementioned author and he will sell you the BESTFUCKINGBLACKDOGS in the world
  15. its a peddlers paradise out there, in this game you're in the know or you are a mushroom most overseas buyers are treated like mushrooms
  16. Rabbit Hunter is right i knew I'd seen the photo before
  17. No i told him to get f****d no chance would I do one for him ! he got someone else to do what was a nice piece of art
  18. Chipmunks sounds about right , nice old little black dog , but a big difference to a working terrier , good luck with you mousehounds
  19. some are old working terriers , likes of which you will never know , so what you going to use these super dooper little black dogs for , pet rat killing ?
  20. i'd rather be a old man then a dumb kid what you going to use these super dooper dogs for , chasing cats up trees lol i will say sorry i got you mixed up with the other yank with the little black dogs with hung peds , its just hard to tell you bullshiter dog walkers apart , i wouldn't let you carry a spade fool He who knows not and knows not he knows not, he is a fool—shun him
  21. I was also kicked off the site then he tried to con me into doing a painting for him giving him copy right to sell prints , get f****d there is a page on facebook dedicated to all his con's the last i read on there he is no longer into terriers and has sold up , he was getting a load of shit ,something to do with saying he was collecting for help for heroes and the money disappearing , i do have the book and its not bad but i had to put it down after a couple of chapters as it got a bit repetitive, found that was the way to read it , read a bit ,leave it then read some more
  22. another thing i've found about feeding them Frozen drumstick or wings it keeps the teeth in great shape , let's face it sled dogs are some of the fittest dogs on the planet and are feed frozen food for half the year
  23. If you are going to quote me please get it right I called him a pink shrek?????
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