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Everything posted by Glyn.....

  1. over the years i've seen signs of fox eating badger cubs and badgers eating fox cubs , found half eaten badger cubs, at fox earths to small to of been roadkill and only a few years ago i was keeping an eye on a litter of 5 fox cubs , when they were about 7 weeks old, a badger dug into the earth at least two died as i found them turned inside out on the spoil heap the rest may of got away , found allsorts at fox earths kittens seagulls polecats stoats mink even a foals head at one , meat is meat any predator that finds the young of another unguarded is going to feast
  2. what i started with left Brian's yard in the mid 70's and was heavily based on C.Breays Rusty and Kipper , people who had them for a generation or two before i got my hands on them added Smitty blood , i've added other bits and bobs very nice pup by the way
  3. my keeper out of the latest batch of terrorists
  4. I've got one and a couple of mates use them, nice and dry all season nice price aswell
  5. Day off no work no digging no beating so spent the afternoon with a pup , nice little beetle hunt
  6. not the pups you are thinking of , in fact one is, he was very hard
  7. yes i do you can't make them they make themselves,
  8. lets hope you drop lucky , but no rush a old man once told me that each month closer to two years old could be a year longer working life
  9. yes and very good working pups his sons where stunning looking as well
  10. this is a dog from the past a ugly bugger , undershot and like a bitch , as a pup he was runty and i couldn't give him away, in the end a mate of mine took him as a pet , until at 8 months he killed the cat , i was given him back , he went into hunt service with a mate , first season very hard , after that worked like a clock, turned out very good worker ...handsome is as handsome does
  11. Cheers Wipeout , she very much the same stamp her grandsire was chilli brother her grand mother Chilli half sister and her mother another half sister
  12. Back on subject , a couple of what i call Patterdales , i can only hope the only emotion they evoke is love lol
  13. If you are on face get the photos on the different terrier pages if your not let me know and I'll post them for you when I get home
  14. I'm not Woodys keeper and I don't keep his line Woody doesn't know Megs breeding and he never care. you have a problem with woody that's your problem
  15. No funny enough I wouldn't. ...like say it's a 1/8 now and the culls will keep cropping up what ever ...I hope the meg blood works out for you
  16. Nothing to do with woody , and the pedigree I was given is the same as the one you gave to DW
  17. I'll take you meant Brandy , the photo's of Meg i so kindly posted for you were sent to me by a very nice man , who also sent me photos of Charlie , Treacle and nigger , and if he is reading this i'm still waiting to for the photo of Molly , he was also good enough to fill me in on the breeding of Molly , i already knew the breeding of niggers parents , and as we know you had flints breeding wrong , he was also able to give me breeding history the % of workers , the litters size , the fact a cull/pet was breed from thankfully not in Brandys direct line, but anyway the joys of breeding a fa
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