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Everything posted by Glyn.....

  1. I'm not saying they were the greatest Terriermen or workers of terriers i'm saying they set the foundations of the last great british line /breed of working terrier no one will ever be able to do it again , myself yourself and anyone who keeps and works the black/choc's will trace their family back to thiers , to a lesser extent would be the likes Gould and Nuttall if they hadn't turned them into a cash crop few would of got there hands on them for better or worst
  2. I've been lucky enough to meet alot of people who have become names in this game , there was a time when you would sit in a small pub the Queens or the Railway for a Fell and moorland meeting and there were some bloody good terriermen sat around you many of whom have spent the rest of their lives working and breeding terriers , i admire Brian Nuttalls knowledge of line breeding not so much the sales pitch John Park was just great to chat with but you never knew if it was the truth or he was filling you full of shit lol , looking back would of loved to of Chatted with Mr Breay , he and F.Buck s
  3. Cheers Apache , he is going to be a lump the bitch is a nice type but trying to get a photo of them both looking their best at the same time , no chance
  4. i know for sure no one has ever produced the blueprint and i'll just plod on a while longer with my fingers crossed , i just thought it was interesting , its almost 100 years since Breay started line breeding and who knows how long the fell blood he and Buck used had been line breed before that , when i first saw these terriers going into europe i thought they were wasting their money but for all the modern theory on terrier breeding it hasn't been , its just 30 years of no testing and they still got workers its harder to find out the % of failures thou
  5. i know that terriers bred the same way at the same time were handy workers in this country , i have exchanged emails with some in the US for 20 years discussing their dogs , and watched with interest how their dogs did once in europe , (bought mainly because they have papers ) some of these terriers have 5 gens of tight bred blood thats not seen a spade in all that time, i've kept related blood and bred some right turkeys off them , so to quote dillydog , could this be enough , does it not make a mockery of what many of us believe and has been written on this forum many times, "bred from your
  6. here is one for the well practical and the theorists , Brian Nuttall ( amongst other) sells terriers to the USA "If" they are worked they are worked on groundhogs the odd raccoon and fox , 30 plus years pass and this blood is sold to europe , where they have been worked to the legal quarry of badger fox and raccoon dog and they have worked well , that's 30 years were maybe some have been lightly worked how can this happen ?
  7. anyway 5 foot dig today and i'm off to wash the mud off
  8. again the jealousy , i enjoyed my time helping out at the fell and moorland much rather have my name being with GH than rob the dog booth ,
  9. now now scotty no need to get jelous , booth soon have is cock back in your mouth , last i seen of you you were peddling railtown staffs , but look how you've come on hanging out with Rob the dog Booth you are a class act
  10. pretty little show dog shouldn't you of posted it in the white dog thread ?
  11. i've only ever owned one terrier that had the knack of killing and killing quickly , and she did it in soil, peat holes bales and rock , it was in a rock pile i first saw her do it and she would fairly often and if possible draw out the dead
  12. I've used ortovox for years the last one i bought 2 years ago cost me £60 from germany on ebay , sounds a bit loud but a bit of tape over the speaker sorted that , gets a bit ropey under 20cm but your close enough by then , not done much with the brick but i do like the fact its in feet and inches , so if anyone is thinking of making some please do one with feet and inches
  13. I doubt I'd ever get round to it I've just got another big patch of land this season and after doing a tidy job for one farmer its had a knock on effect and after digging on my own for 5 seasons I've ask someone else to help me, but never say never and with a lack of terriers I may well be extending the invites myself
  14. You just answered the question i was going to ask when all things are equal i class ease of entering as the tipping point , line breeding is the doubling , quadrupling ext of traits within the blood i've had two bitches over the years which took there time to start but became good workers i gave both away as i wasn't going to breed from them because they took nearly 30 months to start and another 12 months to really get it together, no good to me i keep a small kennel but its a trait that's in there and not something i want to encourage by breeding directly from them ... anyone daft enoug
  15. Thanks for the offer Dillydog if i get a spare time i might take you up on your kind offer
  16. Ryan i have no idea what you know , what i can see is those of you who keep terriers from the same family have the same opinion so at least its consistent, i don't over face a terrier pup , but i don't fanny about with them neither, mine are walked stock broken all will have been walked up to and had a sniff in holes from 3 months , if i can i'll wait until they are around 15 months to start them others earlier but once a pup has meet his quarry started baying i don't expect it to come off , the words once its meet/ found and that is the only way in which i allow them to progress is in the fi
  17. Yes Dilly i know it , all i can say is i've never had a dog in soil , i haven't got to , so i cant say if they would of given up in the end had them in Rocks for days but that's another game , and the terrier is very often on its own anyway , but they keep going to work , the longest ever had a terrier working not trapped in soil was 22-23 hours, we entered him in the afternoon only 7 foot mark dug hit slabs of rock carried on for a few hours were told by the farmer to f**k off as we were keeping his dogs barking and he had to be up for milking , we left the dog there for 7-8 hours before w
  18. RH i'm lucky i have some great tiny puppy places , but i have f****d up , once entered a 12 month old pup on a hunting day in to a tight little place the reason i used the pup , it was only 3 foot but 3 foot of sand and sand stone seems took 6 of us 3 hours to get to him, he hadn't had it all his own way he didn't want me to take him out when i got to him he worked in to old age and plenty saw him go
  19. i've been at this long enough that i only enter a pup where i'm in full control which means no great depth , which as much for my benefit so i can stay in control if a pup enters finds engauges i expect it to stay yes , i find with the very best when entering them you are often trying to save them form themselves , if a terrier is working i'll leave it there for some time if getting a rough deal i step in , just because they are selfish little b*****ds doesn't mean i have to be , because i'm the Brains or to hope to be of the operation there to rescue my terrier if he gets him sevles in d
  20. We'll have to agree to disagree RH most of my terriers have been and are at the moment bayer mixers , some almost total out and out bayers until just before daylight , i have like most had mute and reckless ,but reckless dont last long enough to be counted, next time you put daylight on their backs ask them to step back pretty sure they won't , it's a bit like being able to call a dog out some people rate such dogs i don't , i usually have a wrestling match until its back on couples as far as i'm concerned they do it for themselves
  21. i'm pretty sure they know how deep they are and it doesn't bother a good terrier the longer it takes you the better as far as they are concerned and as far as the dog getting a reward , if i have time with a pup , i get to them as fast as i can , shot the quarry and let them rag it hopefully to the point they are lay on top of it knackered , after that a good terrier needs no reward, some people portray the terrier as if its lassie helping its owner , a good terrier would f**k off on its own and kill itself working , they are not doing it for us they do it for themselves , when they lock on an
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