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Everything posted by mrcaniplaywithmadness

  1. how do you go about smoking out a hole? what fuel and HOW TO GET IT TO GO DOWN THE HOLE?!?! THANK YOU.
  2. do ferrets need any training for ferreting or does it come naturly? also, and i feel stupid just saying this, but can you teach a ferret 'tricks'? like "come, roll over" ect. as i have heard of people doing it but mostly with 'pet' ferrets. any thoughts?? thanks.
  3. do ferrets need a run to go with the hutch? also is there any other requierments for the ferrets fittness needs????? tahh.
  4. thats what i was worried about :L thanks mate
  5. do you think ratting is a risk to your ferret? if not how do i go about it?? tah.
  6. need advise on feeding 2ferrets that i will have in a few weeks. i will be rabbiting with them.and will feed them meat. so say i feed them rabbit, do i prepare it in anyway or just chuck it fresh n whole? and also if fresh meat isnot available. can i feed cat biscuits??thanks
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