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Everything posted by trinder

  1. as the title says which dry foods are good with so many working dog food on the market its hard to choose atm im using dr johns gold for my lurcher and 2 terriers , plus what are your views on raw liver and raw rabbit off the bone
  2. only done a little bit so far cover still bit thick round my way but deffo good fun will be flat out with my bull/whip/grey and russel x as soon as all cover dies back properly
  3. not just me then cheers lads
  4. should of explained a bit more ive been pulled walking to and from permissions in late hours but when we have 2 dogs and lamps its obvious waht we are doing they excuse thier pulling us by saying that there has been units broken into in industrial estate when the said industrial estate has a vast security team and we were no where near it and the cheecky f**kers even pulling on lamipng gear roughly when searchin my bag which i quickly pointed out and told them that if they break it they be payin for it, its not really a rural area where i live so they dont really care bout the poaching side of
  5. im frequently bothered by the police when im out lamping and its starting to do my head in the 4 outings ive been stopped,searched and kept hanging around for ages i know in alot of places poaching illeagal game is rife but as my area only holds rabbit and fox im puzzeld about the sh*t i have to go through does anyone have the same problem or isit just me
  6. line breeding is wrong simple as imo, some kc bred dogs are line bred or selectively bred and id never have a kc dog as imho i think they have ruined most breeds just look at terriers they have ruined alot of good working breeds not jus hunting ability but overall health aswell as far as mating brother and sister ull just breed jelly headed dogs fit for culling
  7. Yet another thread thats turned into arguement , pennys articles in cm weekly clearly stated the x was unplanned , she a legend imo
  8. Nice haul mate dog looks a cracker too atb
  9. ok bye some sick people on this site you are 1 off them theres a name for people like you its called manhushions syndrome probably spelt wrong but basicly your a compulsive liar but you believe it to be true you sick cu*t you need a slap pathetic little prick
  10. sorry for your loss terrible thing to happen you spend time bonding with the dog for something like that to happen chin up tho buddy as with most deaths it gets easier over time atb
  11. how the f**k is the dog 35 years old is this a joke or do you have no concept of time ? instead of moaning about your dog why dont you make an effort to learn about the type of dog you have . Most sighthounds or sighthound mixes learn better by positive reenforcement so stop subjecting your dog to acts of cruelty and bond with it . You say you mooch twice a week and let your dog do as it pleases well from what i can see its you not the dog thats the problem im a begginner to hunting but ive had dogs all my life and i have read and watched countless articles and programmes on dog behavior and i
  12. how the f**k is the dog 35 years old is this a joke or do you have no concept of time ? instead of moaning about your dog why dont you make an effort to learn about the type of dog you have . Most sighthounds or sighthound mixes learn better by positive reenforcement so stop subjecting your dog to acts of cruelty and bond with it . You say you mooch twice a week and let your dog do as it pleases well from what i can see its you not the dog thats the problem im a begginner to hunting but ive had dogs all my life and i have read and watched countless articles and programmes on dog behavior and i
  13. i like the patterdale looks a tough dog nice one
  14. went out tonight and he didnt go into cover once typical lol had some good runs and had a rabbit cracking course it was too very pleased with him wouldve had another if it wasnt for my brother in law trying to volley the rabbit falling on his ass and dog tumbling over him never mind though always next time
  15. good input, my friend has a saluki and its an exellent worker day and night but it can be very stubborn at times i know collies can be trained to a high standard they wouldnt be the most intelligent breed otherwise but they pick up bad habbits easily as my brother in laws has its a good worker but a f**king pain but as with most dogs its the handler thats the problem , i think ill have to see how the saluki comes on and make a proper desicion weather or not to have a pup when he does breed them
  16. keep doing bunys it learn your dog to judge turns and whitch way the quory you are chasing is goin pluss its all good fun and gets your dog fit i agree with you mate i wouldnt run mine on anything bigger untill he has cut his teeth properly on bunnys i have a dh x gh x collie x gh as well he is 14 months maturd in the body but not the head still like a baby just runing bunys with him learn his craft turning out to be a good buny dog this is him and my other pup nice dogs as i said i like the scruffy look what work do they do isit just a bit of lamping and mooching about or do
  17. keep doing bunys it learn your dog to judge turns and whitch way the quory you are chasing is goin pluss its all good fun and gets your dog fit i agree with you mate i wouldnt run mine on anything bigger untill he has cut his teeth properly on bunnys
  18. nice i like mine shorter tbh but thats only cause the ground i work is not the biggest and the dog needs to be able to turn on a penny if its to catch anything good for the bigger stuff is he ?
  19. nice dog gaff i like the scruffy deerhound look how tall tts
  20. i started this topic to learn as im a begginer and as with most topics people have to voice thier own opinions and start bitching at eachother unless u got summit usefull to say dont bother saying anything im not being funny i just cant be botherd to read school girl shit
  21. get a shock coller mate from packdog.com this will sort yore problem out Crap Whats crap fella
  22. So you would rather see dog hurt its self just to see you catch rate go up???Its not for me don't mind dog going in but not flat out too many dogs have died or the hunting career over by doing this but everyone till there own no quarry is worth the dogs life or injurys but if the dogs aware of its surrudings ,its heart in your mouth stuff but if your dogs pulls up 10 yds from cover then it hasn,t got the drive in my imo ,it can be dangerous but that just the way it is somtimes ,some dogs do it some don,t ,i think it would be hard 2 stop it doing it apart from takeing the lamp before the he
  23. So you would rather see dog hurt its self just to see you catch rate go up???Its not for me don't mind dog going in but not flat out too many dogs have died or the hunting career over by doing this but everyone till there own no quarry is worth the dogs life or injurys but if the dogs aware of its surrudings ,its heart in your mouth stuff but if your dogs pulls up 10 yds from cover then it hasn,t got the drive in my imo ,it can be dangerous but that just the way it is somtimes ,some dogs do it some don,t ,i think it would be hard 2 stop it doing it apart from takeing the lamp before the he
  24. So you would rather see dog hurt its self just to see you catch rate go up???Its not for me don't mind dog going in but not flat out too many dogs have died or the hunting career over by doing this but everyone till there own no quarry is worth the dogs life or injurys but if the dogs aware of its surrudings ,its heart in your mouth stuff but if your dogs pulls up 10 yds from cover then it hasn,t got the drive in my imo ,it can be dangerous but that just the way it is somtimes ,some dogs do it some don,t ,i think it would be hard 2 stop it doing it apart from takeing the lamp before the he
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