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Everything posted by trinder

  1. cheers buddy he got good few rabbits under his belt now, i was getting excited bout going up a level ill just calm it down and keep up what im allready doing atb
  2. Thanks mate didnt take offece to ur post anyway atb
  3. Mate, your dog will be a super athlete, if you feed it well, flesh and bone with fats and offal too, is the very best natural diet for any breed of dog. Excersize LOTS, and at 20 months I would have long entered my dogs and be working them regularly, but entering a young dog is down to personal preference, and you know your dog best. If he has good breeding behind him, dont worry about his abilities as long as you have done your part in rearing it to the highest standard. Look into BARF diets, thats the best thing anyone can change for their workers. Dogs do better on flesh, bone, fats, offal
  4. as ive said wanted advice not snide comments if supplements are shit just say so no need to be funny is there so i got some bad advice and questioned it on here , i couldve just banged roids into dog and killed it but i havent have i what does that tell you ? at the end of the day i know alot of the lads on here know what they are on about thats why i asked wish i f*****g never now
  5. nice looking dog mate i may not have done myself any favours with this post but thats life aye , as i said i didnt like idea of dog having roids but as im new to lurchers and a friend who owns and works dogs gave me advice i like a fool believed it im all for proper diet and exercise my initial question was about supplements same as people if i trained and used creatine id put on muscle faster than without it was wondering if there was such supplements for dogs wish i kept my mouth shut now
  6. did i not say i didnt like the thought of putting a dog on roids and i asked the lad what effects it had out of curiosity yes i said i am inpatient but thats just me i was asking for sugestions and advice not abuse same as usual on this site jus idiots trying to argue and whoeva it was that said get off my ass and walk the dog all i can say is my dogs have 2 walks a day and thats not easy when i work 50 hours a f*****g week and have a 3 year old to look after when my mrs is in work atb
  7. Then what i said above and time to mature. cheers im just impatient lol
  8. he got the heart just want a bit more strength in him
  9. i dont want him massive just ripped and big enough to do the bigger stuff , have you any experience wiyh dogs on juice if so how did they turn out and any problems with health and temperment
  10. could try up there cheers, my mate lives in haye on wye and wreckons its teeming with game also need to get licence back first though atb
  11. any tips for building muscle in lurchers? mine is 20 months old atm and still has a bit to put on, any suggestions on supplements or diet would be great , someone told me to get him on the juice but dont like the thought of that . cheers
  12. its lamped alot down llanaravon now mate really lamp shy down there i have had a few but its a strugle tbh , u near me then mate?
  13. travelling hard atm due to driving isnt an option one of my mates has dogs and goes to lydney (spelling dodgey)but he has got bit lazy since he got with his mrs lol
  14. lol more than likely mate ive seen a few lamps about myself
  15. true what you said about charlie though mate cwmbran teeming with them
  16. my best bags come from up round goytre and i dont drive atm so i have to rely on lifts from mates who want to come out for a bit as soon as my licence gave back ill have to venture out a bit . cheers mate
  17. does anyone work thier dogs in south east wales in particular gwent and surrounding areas if so how are you doing i live in cwmbran near newport and its not exactly a hunters paradise if anyone has any sugestions please let me know, atm im managing 2 rabbits per lamping session and its getting frustrating cheers
  18. p***y scum glad u got her back mate as 1 of the lads said shouldve set fire to caravan with him in it i wouldve put chain round it too but tha just me atb
  19. try arthurcarter.com mate or ian hodgde field sports atb
  20. Once the bag ive got is finished i think i will try a totaly raw diet n see how they get on cheers lads atb
  21. probably ran too young and learned bad habbits find a good pet home as you probably waste your time trying to correct it atb
  22. if i wasnt so cockily polite and bit to the remarks and aggro they give us then i wouldve been locked up for section 5 of the public order act but as ive been to prison and know the game i dont , that sounds like a reason to get pulled being ex offender but that was over 5 years ago and all the coppers are fresh out of uni and dont know my face as i havent give tham the chance to know it if it happens again i will take your advice and file a complaint if it happens after that then ill contact solicitor and the independant police complaints commission atb
  23. as i said they pull us for the sake of it do you think i would have started this topic otherwise they all scum imo last 4 lamping trips ive been collerd i dont even drive so no reason to be pulling me as dogs and gear in full view as i said jus trying to show thier sgt they doing summit , should be hunting kiddy fidlers and illegals not people who work 50 hours a week and have a constructive hobby
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