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Everything posted by trinder

  1. Has anyone ever ran a saluki on foxes pre ban ? If so how did u get on any pics would be great also
  2. agree with you ther mate bull x's do the job but ive watched collie x do it and they impressed me more than the bull just smashing things Mate you obviously seen some shite bull x then ok mate if u say so my point was that bull x jus smash things to bits cuz they got the build n weight , but a colliexgh has to be more clever and agile atleast the ones ive seen in action
  3. where can u buy it from buddy could use some of that
  4. agree with you ther mate bull x's do the job but ive watched collie x do it and they impressed me more than the bull just smashing things
  5. ferret and nets are your only real option mate tbh
  6. not exactly sure on the cross tbh mate i rescued it from some horrible scum who abused him all he has done is lamping mate and is good at it, it was just last nights conditions which he struggled with im puzzled lol i should also mention it was on football/rugby pitches that he had the problems
  7. this is mine and my dogs first season he is doing well as i had him out in the summer picking off the easy rabbits , since the season has started he has been doing well untill last night the weather was awfull but i trudged on , the ground was soaked not flodded but but waterlogged this was the problem every time my dog turned a rabbit he slid and missed it was very frustrating but dog was trying all the same , has anyone else had this problem ? the dog still young 21months and still learning so i think he might just have to learn to run in wet soggy conditions any info would be great atb Tri
  8. just watching my dog he too f*****g lazy to do anything else just expects the dog to do it tbh i spent ages training my dogs and im not saying they top dogs but they do what i ask i think i might offer to take it on till it ready and he can have it back when its matured and he has learned what working dogs are about Hi mate.dont let him go out with you again.He,ll only get you into trouble.As for taking it puting in all the work then hand it back to a lazy c**t.Never.Its fool like him who get us all a bad name.Drop him and his dog.ASAP. cheers buddy just leave him out till he sorts h
  9. just watching my dog he too f*****g lazy to do anything else just expects the dog to do it tbh i spent ages training my dogs and im not saying they top dogs but they do what i ask i think i might offer to take it on till it ready and he can have it back when its matured and he has learned what working dogs are about
  10. he is that ignorant he act like its the dogs fault no matter what i say an yes he is a proper tit but got 2 kids with my sis so cant be too harsh cause not worth hastle tbh I would have to give him a verbal kicking mate and see how he responds from there. Its CERTAINLY not the dogs fault. Its HIS fault and if he doesnt stop being a c**t straight away he IS going to f**k that dog up for life. think your right tbh mate ive told him in nicest way possible without sounding like im telling him how to bring on his dog but that aint worked im only botherd cause the dog has shown promise and i
  11. what ever u do dont exclude him whys that cause he probably make it worse not having someone there to guide him or summit?
  12. he is that ignorant he act like its the dogs fault no matter what i say an yes he is a proper tit but got 2 kids with my sis so cant be too harsh cause not worth hastle tbh
  13. thats what i keep saying wont listen though have to tell him either stays on slip or dont come out atall cheers lads
  14. as long as your happy with your dogs mate f**k what any old fart with an opinion says thy catching which is the main thing atb
  15. my brother in law has 7month old saluki and its proving to be a bit of a pain in the ass we take it out with my dog to let him watch what is expected of him which he has picked up quickly , the problem is when he runs alone he yaps like a terrier he does well puttin pressure on bunny but scares off everything else within a mile ive said to stop running him till he bit older but bro in law wont listen so what can i do lol should i insist the dog stays on slip till bit older or let him carry on and see what happens , tbh the dog isnt the most obedient of dogs , if anyone has any tips that would
  16. at 16 weeks old he wont really put on that much, his bones will be growing atm, get a better dry puppy mix wagg is shit raw rabbit carcass is good protien from meat and calcium from bones to strengthen pups bones also if his breeding is more saluki you might find it harder to bulk him up a bit my brother in law has a 3/4 saluki x whipp/grey and finds it hard to get the wieght on it they naturaly slim dogs eggs rice liver and raw chicken carcass would also be good atb hope all goes well
  17. went out tonight with my dog and my brother in laws 7 month saluki had few rabbits my dog was on top form well pleased and the pup was having a good go only his 4th trip with lamp but he learning quickly couldnt take pics as it was raining heavy all night , nothig special just felt like sharing only thing that spoiled night was police but thats been explained on different post
  18. stopped again tonight ! walking home and police pulled up said what are we doing usual crap then ther stupid f****r said lamping is illegal i nearly fell over with laughter i explained it wasnt only certain quarry was off limits , still wouldnt have it so politely told cop to get on radio and get one of his chums in station to google hunting ban if he didnt believe me and if he wanted to arrest me for lamping without knowing the law he supposed to be enforcing then that fine cause i cud do with sum extra cash by means of compensation for police harrasment didnt like that then told us to get ho
  19. hard to find mate i had a tattoo of lurcher chasing fox with f**k the ban put in struggled to get pics for guy to work off so ended up not having photo realism still happy with it though
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