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Everything posted by trinder

  1. Went out lamping tonight , got about a mile when my missus rang me all i could hear was dogs scrapping , my working terrier was latched onto my pet mixed terrier , they both live out doors and have done since pups , if i take my lurcher out and havent worked my terrier for few days he gets nasty with kennel mate im going to build them seperate runs but at the moment funds are low . Anyone else have this problem if so how did you overcome it ? Ie seperation , shock coller . Im at my wits end now as my pet terrier soft as shit and he no match for my worker and dont want him to get hurt Atb Tr
  2. im in the process of getting permissiom as we speak , a mates father has a farm and is letting me know sometime tonght if its ok for me to go up Atb Trinder
  3. my terrier is very game , he knows how to mark and work cover , i think ill find a shallow earth somewhere and use my 16ft mk 3 ferret finder to start with then if he shows interest ill get a bellman and flint set up .Cheers Trinder Well...we shal see.. FTB was that sarcasm ?
  4. my terrier is very game , he knows how to mark and work cover , i think ill find a shallow earth somewhere and use my 16ft mk 3 ferret finder to start with then if he shows interest ill get a bellman and flint set up . Cheers Trinder
  5. Cheers mate i thort that would be the case ill just have to learn on the job so to speak i know its very secretive these days with the ban and the nosey antis but really wanted to get into it asap so i know what im doing , my terrier nearly 2 and i wanted to get him on it this season but the boy i was supposed to be going with hasnt botherd with his terriers atall this season he has let me down loads Cheers anyway Trinder
  6. As the title says i dont know anyone to go out with , any lads need a hand in south east wales ? Pm me if you do very keen to get out
  7. Cant read read a word of that but judging by pics that method a bit much , id be using ribbed plastic pipes and slabs
  8. How would you lads make one ive searched on google but couldnt find any decent info Atb trinder
  9. I scruff mine if i have to doesnt bother him atall Its a must in some situations for their own good
  10. Nice bet they keep you busy my stepfather did a bit of pig hunting when he was in nz travelling said it was awesome dogs have to be fearless to take on some of the big males Atb Trinder
  11. Bet those dogs got some heart , look very handy for pigs im guessing they are the holders?
  12. Great stuff mate im still trying to get on my first dig as all my mates have lurchers , i have a 2 year old russell and 2 year old lurcher so all my terrier gets to do is work cover Atb trinder
  13. Ive voted hope it counts as id love to do a bit of digging without fear of prosecution
  14. Best things in life are free Atb mate
  15. Any dog can have a dodgey temperment but most lurchers are soft as a brush untill you stick game infront of them As for what breed thats a hard question to answer as people have different opinions , i would try to find a pup from working parents even if its a lurcher to lurcher cross aslong as both parents are proven workers Hope this helps Atb Trinder
  16. Collie whippet would be a good start mate i wouldnt go for a first x tho maybe a 3/4 whippet , its pot luck though as said and correct entering is key to sucsess Atb Trinder
  17. I use red but ive found if you switch colours every couple of outings they dont get too shy but with the price of filters thats easier said than done Atb Trinder
  18. Ive been doing some reading about the ban in perticular foxes . Everything ive read is to do with mounted hunts , im far from an anti but a huge pack of dogs vs one fox is a bit much jmho but each to their own , what i dont get is all the anti talk about is hunts not lurchers . If a fox is taken on lamp with one or two dogs then whats the fcuking problem . Surely its an efficient way of controlling fox and not as damaging to their population as the wannabee snipers killing everything that comes their way Whats your views ? Atb Trinder
  19. I dont know where about we going as im going with few lads who got permissions , i think west country as its not too far
  20. Going across the border tonight to see what merry old england has to offer , hopefully be a good night Atb Trinder
  21. Should have mentioned he a quality rabbit dog , live to hand every time , jumps and very obedient
  22. Ive been told my dog has lab in him , i dont know his breeding so could very well be , ive put pics on a thread few days ago if you want to have a look at my content Threads called few pics of dogs today Atb trinder
  23. Burto , so what your saying its not poaching if its night and you havent caught any rabbits just tresspass ?
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