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Everything posted by J.DOG

  1. top notch birds and top fella
  2. Cheers ill put more pics up on the rest of the work later
  3. Cheers mainly shamo ive two trios of thai shamo aseel mix and a shamo stag got a good brood cock getting it on Saturday shamo x aseel and getting two pure yakido birds
  4. Nice job j.dog Cheers mate got loads of more boxes ect to build inside
  5. Got a pigeon loft cheap for more game birds got it cheap built it up repaired alot of it and put two indoor houses inside for some birds im getting on Saturday they will go ourside during the day but back in for the night and the winter as do all my game birds not quite done yet tho Pics of shed
  6. Cheers mate yeah great here I live on a non working farm 25 acres
  7. Better pics Ive a small bird here unsure if its a stag seems to be not the best looking bird like This is my other stag i like this one a lot Hens
  8. That's a smashing offer that mate I'm going to hatch some of my own first tho getting a big shed to do up
  9. I've two trios if game birds thai shamo Aseel mix x shamo about 12-13 weeks old I was told there was 2 stags and 4 hens how can I check this I'm going to get into these birds so would also like to know for future reference cheers atb JD Stag ? I've another what i thinks a stag he's smaller tho no pic yet Hens ?
  10. could you off took a worst pic Ano mate lol pissin down and birds aint too happy lmfao great birds tbh pics dont do em justice
  11. Ill get more pics of them for you
  12. Not sure tbh and yep it doesnt normally just as I took the pic it stretched so not sure
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