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Everything posted by J.DOG

  1. Sounds good mate atleast there's still decent folk out there
  2. My dream job that your very lucky
  3. totall lack of knowledge , john john , for what its worth that sapling has fabulious looking feet .good strong foot plenty substance to the pads ,and for what its worth another inch and a bit in it . looks to have a nice disposition to its temp knowledge odf deerhound types have the aloof looks about them its there nature . belting sapling and nice type , best of luck to the handler with it . AND AS FOR BEING conditioned at that animals age ids down right laughable he be still growing physically and mentally . atb bunnys. well said jj ??
  4. jack of all trades and a master of none
  5. J.DOG


    getting himself some Pussy there
  6. Male stripper :laugh: Naa I'm bricklaying at college at the min and moving in to other trades
  7. Looks a good solid dog him bud really nice
  8. totall lack of knowledge , john john , for what its worth that sapling has fabulious looking feet .good strong foot plenty substance to the pads ,and for what its worth another inch and a bit in it . looks to have a nice disposition to its temp knowledge odf deerhound types have the aloof looks about them its there nature . belting sapling and nice type , best of luck to the handler with it . AND AS FOR BEING conditioned at that animals age ids down right laughable he be still growing physically and mentally . atb bunnys. well said
  9. There's some good decent lads on here who will help you and there are also some nobs to. it's the THL it wouldn't be the same site without the stupid toss pots to laugh at
  10. J.DOG

    Owl Attacks Man

    your such a hoot That owl chestnut eh :laugh:
  11. i cant make out whether its a big dog or a small jcb haha great pic mate big dog cheers mate
  12. Cheers couldn't leave him there poor fella the snows 2ft deep just glad it was him and not poachers lol and his terrier was a beauty lol
  13. Cheers bud yep he can cover ground quick ,good dog would have been great for bigger things pre ban , I'm not sure what he weighs tbh but he ain't light lol I can imagine. I think his build is spot on though, looks to be very useful Yeah he's a good size well shaped , comes in handy as I live on a farm , plus he keeps the chickens safe Cheers mate
  14. This Is him at full fitness
  15. Cheers bud yep he can cover ground quick ,good dog would have been great for bigger things pre ban , I'm not sure what he weighs tbh but he ain't light lol
  16. Yep happening alot now most farmers have had enough up here , I own 25-30 acres and yesterday I took a mooch in my fields as usual with the lurchers and came across some foot prints and dog prints i assumed poachers im not fussed about them tbh i tell them to clear off and warn them lol but i dont go mad lol i know the feeling anyway I followed the tracks wanting to find the c**ts and I came across an old man and his wee terrier he'd got stuck in the snow on the country road and decided to cut over the fields to get home which is about 3 1/2 mile so I phoned my dad who's only 2 mins away an
  17. I could use a saddle lol cheers mate
  18. He's the younger half bro of the big dog exact same breeding deer grey x saluki bull grey , the brindle dogs a good day dog puts in some good runs
  19. Well id say my big dog i have now Is the best ive had hes a proper worker through and through doesn't let me down and takes anything I put infront if him he's deer grey x saluki bull grey 29 inch tts , coming up 5 yrs a big lump of a dog
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