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Everything posted by J.DOG

  1. My 3/4 saluki greyhound bout 13 month old im a saluki lad and I can get em trained ok
  2. Thank you yeah get afew big rabbits on that land my grandad own it so its good
  3. Thanks bud my salukis arnt point and slip dogs they brought up to be all round dogs his recall is spot on he listens to me its asif we know what each other are thinking I have an incredible bond with him but I know the saluki brain and know how to bring out the best in em I'm proud of him all the hard work pays off I like to show that saluki blood doesn't mean stupid dogs or un train able dogs it takes more dedication than other sighthounds and lurchers I train my dogs in different ways my saluki types with a soft but firm approach slowly slowy and getting out in field at 6 weeks is field rec
  4. lol I wont bother insulting your mum Jim, I think nature's done enough. Hahahah quality
  5. Haha cheers socks aha ive been bashing the fitness lost 4 stone this year but by god I was f****d off that walk lol atb happy hunting
  6. Cheers mate hes spot on tbh sound as they come
  7. This dog is and has been the easiest ive ever had to train
  8. Thank you mate and same to you happy hunting
  9. Spot on you just have to know how they tick
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