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Everything posted by J.DOG

  1. My pup is Looking good for next season a really nice pup he's very obedient , confident , smart and is really keen he enjoys mooching he's a great pup to own afew pics of him he's starting to take shape now he's 10/11 months old3/4 saluki 1/4 grey Thanks for looking Some paper was blowing around and the pup couldn't resist haha Someone was at home
  2. My pup had similar thing legs bending like described I went to vet he gave some vitamin d + c supliment sorted him out in afew weeks his legs are perfect now
  3. The saluki boys use them, usually when they are getting the dog to swim....... Off a long pier ill not bite the bait hahaha
  4. My 3/4 saluki 1/4 grey pup 10 month old he is learning well from the older dogs and a pleasure to own
  5. Looks good socks same here lol had my 3/4 saluki pup out mooching about a 8 mile round trip on rough terrain not easy ground and come home and he was jumping around with the other dogs messing about :laugh:
  6. Looks a nice dog mate nice setup too
  7. Some more upto date pics of my rough dog 29 inch tts
  8. Loverly weather today dogs walked and off to spend the day with the girlfriend :)

  9. Cheers mate , photobucket works good there's a tutorial on here somewhere
  10. Yeah on a non working farm it's great just a shame bunnys are thin on the ground there's Afew big rabbits that keep my dogs happy you jammie git lol i wish i had some were like that to live lol I know I owe it to my grandad its nice up here I couldn't thank him enough he swapped houses with us
  11. Exactly the same here mate trying to let them build up numbers
  12. Yep can't beat it lol , can just walk out the back door for a mooch , everywheres dead for rabbits but I'm done for the season now
  13. Spot on that is , to many people give up on them and write them off too early
  14. Yeah on a non working farm it's great just a shame bunnys are thin on the ground there's Afew big rabbits that keep my dogs happy
  15. Cheers mate that's my garden lol
  16. I'm getting as bad as Fuji haha Afew pics from today and yesturday Pics Long jump
  17. My advice would be take it out and work on recall I own saluki xs myself and they will test you so focus on the recall but slowly take your time with the pup gain its trust and don't be too harsh on it when it does wrong you will loose his trust so kid gloves are needed but aslong as you get recall sorted everything else falls into place just train him to sit and stay and recall , jumping then retrieving take your time with him let him think learning is a game, let him exsperiance everything when out and about mooching good luck mate
  18. I've phoned around bud got Afew lads looking out for her
  19. Thanks mate , he's a pleasure to own
  20. pups will do anything for treats lol atb with it mate
  21. If ya get a really low obstacle throw abit meat over it and say over that's a good way to start then eventually it will go on command and eventually it will jump without any problem
  22. cheers mate i did alittle training but just let the pup figure it out himself
  23. Yep he's a good pup fast agile and coming together now , lol imagine lifting buck over fences lol you'd be done in ray haha
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