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Everything posted by J.DOG

  1. looking good its a bit wet my way to off out to see whats about in a bit Yep everything's boggy and its now snowing lol weather here is lush haha enjoy getting soaked mate
  2. Thanks very much mate Ill keep an update on him next season hopefully ill have some good things to say
  3. pics of him after a walk out today we both got soaked
  4. Cheers bud he's looking good and I'm really happy with him
  5. Right mate I've pm you with a very good offer worth a look mate
  6. Nice dogs KC Alright floyd i know we've spoke and you have seen my dog before but ill put up some pics for other folk who are interested in the cross my 3/4 saluki grey 10/11 month old
  7. Thank you mate , he's out mooching everyday for miles and he's learning quick and using his nose as well as his eyes so alls looking good
  8. Erm not sure if you know them the sires name is sisco he's from cruise of shildon blood the Dam is 3/4 saluki 1/4 grey unsure of her lines
  9. Just about to say that great jump and picture.J Dog Thanks mate he loves to Jump lol
  10. Cheers mate ill find out next season when he's run plenty and ill put up an update of him
  11. Cheers mate I do think my pup who's 3/4 saluki 1/4 grey is a great cross seems to have speed Stanima and can turn on a 10 pence price
  12. Cheers mate should have fun next season with him
  13. Thanks mate , yeah he's a great jumper he really enjoys it
  14. Thank you very much mate I'm very happy with him so far can't fault him Atb JD
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