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Everything posted by J.DOG

  1. My phone with a 10 second timer on the camera
  2. I'm already bored now my season is over lol so headed out with one of the dogs for a nice jog Oh and yes I'm dressed like clip lol but I was jogging so the attire was suitable hahaha afew pics Deer grey x saluki bull grey 29 inch tts coming up 5 yrs old thanks for looking
  3. Ill say shes currently 20 inch tts
  4. Loverly dog looks healthy have you pics of the parents mate
  5. All looking good J Dog - how old id the brindle now? How did he turn out. I remember when you got him. Top notch!!! PM if you prefer. Cheers mate ill pm you now
  6. pics of My dogs some been on before lol just don't remember which ones haha Bad pic lol
  7. Cheers millet yep it mighty cold lol but whatever the wether I'm out , powering along with the dogs I've had him watching the other dogs and had him ferreting but he ain't took anything yet really prefer to wait till next season but if the opportunity came up of some easy ones than I'd let him go he's ready I can tell , I think he will get his chance soon out mooching there's always things bolting and the big dogs are there first but I'm going to hold them back and let him catch afew for himself but so far so good really happy with him
  8. Hahaha cheers mate but ill put up with him
  9. Thanks mate , yeah he's always been mad for jumping lol loves it and he's good at it sometimes he surprises me ill think he can't get over that and he does lol
  10. Thanks mate not bad for a phone lol Atb JD have to get one of them mate It's canny lol handy to just take afew quick pics with and they good quality
  11. Thanks mate yep got a strong bond with him he trusts me 100% and is a very loyal pup such good fun to be out and about with Atb JD
  12. Thanks mate not bad for a phone lol Atb JD
  13. Hahaha cheers mate yeah it's that bloody wind lol should put a warning on first shouldn't I lol , haha yep love getting him jumping Atb JD
  14. Well the snows back lol so after walking all 3 dogs I took the pup out again for afew hours to mess around in the snow had some fun some pics and a vid not the best as the snow made it difficult Get over son Someone's at home Mad for snow almost took me off my feet A video of jack messing about lol
  15. Looks good lads and dogs in fine fettle
  16. Very nice,keen looking young dog,some good strong ones on the hilly land down your way,be a good test for him next season,atb with him Cheers mate , yep it's a test for any dog , difficult terrain I cant wait to get him out next season
  17. More pics of my pup for next season can't wait to get him behind some game
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