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Everything posted by J.DOG

  1. My boat flooded tho lol sorted now
  2. Lurchers sorted the fox problems so scare foxes away
  3. Been away from site a while but im back now been good season so far pics of the crew some lads will recognise my dogs Big dog Brindle boy Jack the lad 14 month old The bitch I rescued
  4. Cheers yeah the hose not on a meter thank f*ck lol
  5. My duck and goose pond finished From start to finish
  6. Milbro canty palmswell Rk catty A natural i made
  7. hope everyone is good ive not been on a while been a canny season so far dogs running well :)

    1. stripes


      good to see you back jdog,hows the dogs.

    2. bird


      hows the bitch with out a tail?

    3. J.DOG


      Cheers lads dogs all good all catching black bitch is doing me proud

  8. +1. I'd rather set my hair on fire than be that close to cows Im used to cows I live on a farm wouldn't do this with cattle I don't walk amongst daily
  9. American the lad that had him dubbed him bad so needs sorting out
  10. Some more Youngsters Another that went to my mate Another pic of pair that went to my mate
  11. Some of my birds ive too many to photo lol Pure jap shamo cock really big bird imported from Belgium Red Brazil cock got a sore head after the jap got him through the pens Pure yakido hen and yakido x shamo Stag My shamo aseel brood cock and his hen Obe of my shamo chicks Young Pair that have gone to a mate
  12. Oh and the fights I had I never got much notice before hand sometimes I got asked on a morning and was fighting that afternoon ahaha lol but looking back it wat a stupid thing to do but at the time it was great
  13. never done it but I have had alot of fun bare knuckle fights im not a gypsy but there was a mate of mine years ago got me into it fights were set up like a proper event in Barns or field was good fun lads who fought had a respect for each other I enjoyed it but now I aint done it in a long time im only 17 I had 23 all together 19 won 1 draw were we agreed on parteing ways and 3 lost used to love it but now too much stuff in my life and more important things to do than beat on other people for money I can be earing from easier things
  14. Cheers so do I just play around with settings try take a pic and tweek it ill try this tonight I think so if I change settings do I then save it or something ? put it in manual mode turn up the shutter speed and increase the iso to suit the light conditions until you get the shot you're after, focal length will also have an effect on the iso required Cheers mate ill do that now
  15. Cheers so do I just play around with settings try take a pic and tweek it ill try this tonight I think so if I change settings do I then save it or something ?
  16. I have a Panasonic lumix fz38 ive took some loverly photos but what settings should I use and stuff to capture my dogs when running without blur ect any help folks
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