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Everything posted by J.DOG

  1. Here's keera happy today been jumping all over and her bandage is already hanging off haha she tried to pull it off so muzzled her I think shes Looking better already just after Afew days
  2. I will keep you all posted on her was there I've only seen 1 lurcher with a bobbed tail before but. Just the 1 , she looks funny as I'm used to seeing feathered saluki tails haha so it looks odd haha thanks mate Atb JD
  3. Thank you tommy she will be different in no time had her just sniffing around on the grass near my house , a rabbit uped and ran she was pulling on the lead and game to go , so once she is fully fit and healthy and I've sorted recall ect she will be getting behind them and if she turns out a good or bad worker either way she will stay Atb JD
  4. Thanks mate she hasn't left my side yet she's taken to me well she's called keera
  5. thanks mate I wasn't going to put anything on here about her tbh but thought I'd share what some wrongly named lurcher men do to their dogs hate to think they call themselves lurcher men disgusting Atb JD their not true lurchermen, just men that own lurchers ;] That's spot on mate , f***ing scum need stringing up
  6. Was she I diddnt know that yeah this bitch has taken to me so its looking good
  7. Yep she's a fighter , should be dead the condition she was in the vet said , so ill help her with her fight , and ill keep you all posted on her
  8. Thanks mate was quite nervous when she was under lol
  9. Thanks mate I'm looking forward to getting her fat hahahaha then going from fat to fit
  10. Thanks Derek ill post plenty pics of her progress
  11. thanks mate she's alot happier in herself bouncy and clear eyes gaining weight already for sure , cheers
  12. thanks mate I wasn't going to put anything on here about her tbh but thought I'd share what some wrongly named lurcher men do to their dogs hate to think they call themselves lurcher men disgusting Atb JD Well done J.DOG, you are the man I am so glad you decided to keep her, good for you! Also you did the right thing by putting her on here because firstly, all of us to a man (or woman) would be be prepared to help you I am sure, and secondly the sort of outright low lifes that would leave a dog to get like this need to know that it will not be accepted by true dogmen and is condemed by all
  13. Thanks mate yep she will have a good life here , shes in good hands
  14. thanks mate I wasn't going to put anything on here about her tbh but thought I'd share what some wrongly named lurcher men do to their dogs hate to think they call themselves lurcher men disgusting Atb JD
  15. Thank you that's a really nice thing to say ,I'm glad I've kept her I want to help her and can't wait till she's In full health my Girlfriend thinks I'm mad putting so much time money effort into a dog but its really important to me ill keep regular updates of her Atb JD
  16. Haha no don't look like it , thank you for the offer mate you were at the top of my list if I couldn't get stuff sorted much appreciated no worries ...
  17. Haha no don't look like it , thank you for the offer mate you were at the top of my list if I couldn't get stuff sorted much appreciated
  18. Thanks yep it's shocking vet said its the worst he's seen , but she's safe now and me little shadow already I'm working on an old house tomorrow that me dad owns she's coming with me , going to spend the day by the open fire while I do some work
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