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Everything posted by J.DOG

  1. Thanks mate hahaha I'm out Afew times a week jogging with the mutts brilliant keeps me fit too cheers bud
  2. Thanks mate yeah his bear coats gone lol can see his shape better now he's a big lump of a dog though he's 70 pound and 29 inch tts
  3. Haha cheers yeah not as many pics of him get put up mostly because hes so easy going he rarely leaves your side when out and about lol but hes a great working dog gives 100% and very loyal , I try my best to keep all my dogs fit and healthy as I can not a day goes by without them getting out Afew hours thanks mate atb JD
  4. Hope your pup does you well mate good luck with it
  5. I decided to strip My big dogs coat out well as best I could as he woukdnt stay still lol it was definitely needed he was looking like a bear after working on his coat a while I took him jogging as he was getting restless missed Afew spots which I got when I came home Deer grey x saluki bull grey 5 yrs 29 Inch tts
  6. Mine come back to me , listen to me , jump im a saluki lad always will be a place in my heart for them but yes they are like marmite but once you know how they tick they are loyal good hard working dogs and I know they can take bigger game than hare (Pre ban ) they are capable of it maybe not all of them are capable of it but not all bull xs / Wheaton xs/ deerhound xs ect are either yes maybe for big game you'd opt for a bull x fair enough they do the job but the only way to see what salukis can do mate is watch good salukis at work you'll be suprised what they can do
  7. Hahaha oh man that's rank haha
  8. Hahaha belter of a pic , one of mine missed a big rabbit last season and has been depressed thinking he's loosing touch and hit the bottle
  9. Did u I might look for some I'm not bothered about its value just curious about it Loads of old Waterloo Cup ones from various years on E Bay I might get Afew
  10. Sounds alright good good cheers for info mate
  11. Did u I might look for some I'm not bothered about its value just curious about it
  12. did they break on just for your coat or did they take other stuff aswell the scum ? My dad once had an old transit van was falling apart it got nicked and my dad was chuffed haha the fuckers brought it back about an hour later hahaha
  13. i like the look of this dog ... and size wouldnt be an issue a 21" bullx i know of was lined by to differant 29" dogs Thanks he's a good dog , only issue is he doesn't retreive all the way in , due to me getting him as an adult , but he does his job takes whatever i put the beam on
  14. Fecking shame that mate i love hunting badges especially old ones funny thing is I've got a Barbour coat full of badges found it in an old escort couldn't believe my luck haha
  15. Same I've looked and not seen anymore just always wondered what it was from ect cheers
  16. Well this was my dads he's had it for a long long time I've had it for about 7 yrs now and just wondering if anyone knows anything about it or anything lol just curious about it
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