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Everything posted by J.DOG

  1. Got my incubator through yesterday getting some kharki campell ducks next week so ill be incubating some of them
  2. It looks stoned to me lol it's a quack head
  3. Haha naa it don't haha it don't do much that duck
  4. Cheers they mint animals to have real fun to watch and such characters get some nice eggs too
  5. Thanks mate yep all locked up safe on a night The pond
  6. Thanks mate and yeah they shouldn't get into it but Its Afew feet from my kennels and the lurchers would let me know then foxy would know about it
  7. Thanks mate Here's a pic of the pond
  8. Thanks I like to make sure my animals have the best quality of life
  9. Im bored so thought id put some pics up of Some of my ducks lol getting some kharki campell ducks next week but this is what I currently have 5 kharki campell x crescent ducks only young birds first time out in the pond just got them yesterday And my call ducks and a pigeon that landed 2 days ago and won't fook off haha The house is temporary till my duck house arrives lol
  10. Im bored so thought id put some pics up of Some of my ducks lol getting some kharki campell ducks next week but this is what I currently have 5 kharki campell x crescent ducks only young birds first time out in the pond just got them yesterday And my call ducks and a pigeon that landed 2 days ago and won't fook off haha The house is temporary till my duck house arrives lol
  11. Real shame that mate horriable thing to happen R.I.P
  12. Cheers mate he's a big un 29 inch tts oh f**k ived changed my mind ha ha Hahaha yep he's big haha good lamping dog atb JD
  13. Good luck with it mate you'll have to let me know how you get on fingers crosses for you atb JD
  14. Cheers mate he's a big un 29 inch tts
  15. Hahaha no mate not yet but she's pulling me arm off to try looking promising can't wait to get her out behind some game It will not be long now boys Yep can't wait to get back out catching game
  16. Hahaha no mate not yet but she's pulling me arm off to try looking promising can't wait to get her out behind some game
  17. You have to laugh not sure about the crack give that a miss. ha ha Haha yeah you do oh i ain't sharing it anyway haha
  18. Yeah it was taught me respect and discipline and kept me out of bother when I wasn't there I was out with my great grandad with his dogs , ferrets
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