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Everything posted by ainsy1234

  1. Cheap lamping kit wanted near Accrington
  2. Cheap lampung kit near Accrington
  3. Cheap lampung kit near Accrington
  4. Hiya just wanted to say thank u for all your advise it's very much apprichated.. I've got another question though if you don't mind please.. While out yesterday with her I noticed that one of her eyes are weeping and this morning it's been really bloodshot and weepy and she doesn't seem herself at all very quiet can anyone recommend anything to make her better? Someone recommended bathing it with milk ? But I would rather ask for advise first than get it wrong and risk making it worse cuz she can't tell me what's up lol TIA
  5. Hi everyone I'm new here and just wondering if I could ask some advice please. I have a 1 year old whippet who I would like to calm down and start to take out for rabbits. At the moment she is very lively but when she is out she likes to have a good run and be very nosy. Does anyone have any advise on the best way to calm her and begin to train her? It would be very much apprichated. Thank you
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