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Everything posted by vizlauk

  1. Sh1te weather out there tonight, I'm still waiting to christen my .223 but I'm not going out when it's blowing a gale & p1ssing down, so that will have to wait, hopefully get out on the pigeons tomorrow on a syndicate shoot if a few body's don't turn up, the a400 will get a session on live stuff
  2. Mine hasn't got the kick off unit on it, but a lovely gun to shoot, got delivered on Wednesday afternoon, I put 1/2 choke in & powdered every clay I shot at ! Money well spent, a pleasure to shoot, so that's the auto & 2 o/u all leftys now.
  3. That's so true, the a400 xplor I bought is a full lefty ! I wouldn't care I got offered a as new benelli lefty on Wednesday!
  4. New guns must be in the air, I sold my old semi auto & a spare o/u last week , and bought myself a new semi auto, managed to get myself a nice beretta a400 xplor , more than happy with it, roll on the pigeons
  5. You've lost me on that reply, I haven't got a clue what your on about ?
  6. This sh1te weather isn't helping, I can't remember when I last had my rifle out ! Been spending more time clay pigeon shooting.
  7. Must admit things are quite on here lately
  8. Jimmy the cylinder tests are taking about 2 weeks at the moment, they must be busy ,
  9. 22 wmr by any chance! Seems a few are posting elsewhere these days
  10. I'm sure you can afford to buy it with the money of the hw110k I sold for you , you tight git, part with some money
  11. It will be fine, shouldn't be a problem ejecting a spent case
  12. If you get the chance of an rws Excalibre, buy it you won't regret it.
  13. You are correct Mark, that Excalibre was outstanding in everyway, and a rare carbine, jjm got it back off me , not sure where it is now ! Knowing jjm, it will be long gone. I also had a full length Excalibre which was also faultless, as will Simon's axsor, basically the same gun, a gun that will last forever if looked after.
  14. David, I've never had a chance to get out yet, scope is fitted, weather has been crap & being busy doing a few jobs, hopefully after I've done Jimmy's xtrail today I'm going to zero it in , so there might be an update today mate, you know what the land is like , so it will be put to use soon my old mate.
  15. Oh yes payment was in cash ! Si has change calibre to 6.5 x 55 so the 223 was just sitting there not been used .
  16. The only 30mm scope mounts I had were to high , uncomfortably high ! The snow won't stop us mate !
  17. Well after submitting my variation, approved & ticket collected, the shopping started for my chosen fox gun, after a frustrating time looking online, visiting local rfd's I couldn't find what I was looking for & most 2nd guns I was interested in had been neglected, I was idealy looking to purchase a tikka t3 varmint, left handed in 1/12 twist, but the search was frustrating to say the least. I couldn't get the version I wanted unless I waited at least 6mth special order for a new gun, and all the 2nd versions would have needed rebarraled due to previous owners neglect. I decide
  18. Jimmy , the lad is not referring to the sh1t maker kral, He's asking about the dealer I deal with in the Netherlands!
  19. I've bought from them many times, excellent service via Dennis, totally outstanding service, you won't go wrong with a Vulcan, I've had them all, the best of the lot was the gen4 , that gun was the most accurate, comfortable gun I've ever own. Rapid delivery from them aswell.
  20. Variation back already, well done Northumbria police firearms dept ! All sorted on paper, looked at a few .223 but no purchase due to neglect, so looks like I will be buying new
  21. Sorry to hear that, I know what it's like, I was working in Tilbury & my van got turned over in broad daylight, I lost all my work tools , just under £5000 worth, coppers didn't even bother investergating it, crime number was open all of 10 minutes! I didn't have tool cover on my insurance, the only thing I was thankfull for was they chucked my bag out the way and left it, there was £3500 in cash in the bag . So i got nothing for doing a full McDonald's refurbishment.
  22. Phil as you know I've had the fac airguns, both the .25 fx impact & then the .25 Uragan, both expensive bits of kit, I can honestly say since I bought the 22lr, I've never picked the fac airgun up, for my land & shooting style the 22lr wins hands down , it's silent, lightweight, hard hitting , and a hell of a lot cheaper, that's it I'm converted! The last of my airgun stuff is due to go, including the coltri mch6 compressor so there's a good chunk of money to come back in to me, my stock of .25 pellets have gone today, I won't own another fac airgun ever, that I'm sure of now.
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