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Everything posted by Tatezi

  1. If thats how one wishes to deal with a 15 yr old and a toddler, you need to be taught a lesson in life mate. A bit of understanding and self-control might get you further. I know it is annoyin when it happens over and over again, but that is life,if you want to fight with fire, expect it in return, and i doubt it will be from the had ofthe 15 yr old or the toddler.
  2. great thread, is it really right to encourage eachother to coax pheasants in from neibouring shoots, I'm not judgig here, dont get me wrong I am undecided on the matter, i just know that a neighbouring gamekeeper might not take to kindly to it, nor would we if a significant proportion of our birds vacated our areas and where shot by a neighbou, especially one we might not know or get along with... just a thought, that being said, i think the advice is sound, do you not have any resident or migratory woodcock/snipe or wildfowl in the area, you could always invest moretime into improvin
  3. i have found that it is a good idea to take any scope OFF the rifle before sending and take extra precautions to wrap it in buble wrap/prtective packaging, as some times handlers will throw parcels to eachother in the warehouses and this would obviously be bad for scope and rifle alike. Also please ensure the gun is NOT LOADED, there have been (very rare) reports of ammunition/guns firing in transit, to the detriment of all law abiding sportsmen when regulations are tightened due to such a serious oversight. apart from that, as mentioned above u should have no problems.
  4. Hi all, based in south wales, into most things hunting/fishing related, and foraging for wild food, as well as learning as much about wildlife/ecosystems as possible. Specialise in mushrooms, collecting wild ones and growing edible ones too. good to meet u all,of to enjoy the site.! Tatezi
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