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About sionnach18

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. hello inlaw worker

  2. :feck: :feck: :sick: :sick: :sick:
  3. what a waste of sport that is.... its people like you that give hunting a bad name
  4. :sick: Im not falling for that one again welshhound2 :sick: ur one sick individual...lol
  5. he has nice markings...
  6. if he is like the father he should be good..
  7. his only young..ie 4 year old ill try him next season..
  8. im hardest when SEX is a topic..
  9. id spit roast a female...she be a nice meal..
  10. well craig if i where you i would hold out for a pup from a good friend or if you cant get that whaeton but be careful with the wheaton crosses can be cross
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