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Everything posted by banjo14

  1. 23 inches if that question was for me.
  2. 1/2 whippet 1/4 saluki 1/4 greyhound
  3. as far as i can see nobody has mentioned lamping hares.
  4. i gave a whippet to a good friend of mine he is sooty sam lines and only 17 1/2 inches he has taken a few hare's but he would have to be right on top of them at the start or would'nt stand a chance as he couldnt gain much ground on a hare. i would have thought a bigger whippet would be ok.
  5. i bet she still gives it her all though dont she?
  6. hi everyone i would like to here what the largest harris's that you have seen or flown and also who bred them. mine flys at 2.14 and is fat at 3.6 ish and was bred by jasper65 on this site. heres a pic of mine a bit tatty now as she has had a hard winter on hares.
  7. ill second that! my old girl is a collie whippet x greyhound whippet she is now 15 years old and has served me well as a lamper the odd hare ,the odd fox, ferreting and a gundog that will still retrieve from the other side of our local river (drain).she is also deaf as a post but retreives and takes commands from hand signal.my opinion the ideal all rounder. EXCELLENT DOGS.
  8. one smart looking pup.
  9. if ferreting is your thing i would go for a whippet cross as they have better acceleration an turning than some of the bigger types althought, the type of ground you work will make some difference to the best type of dog for you. atb adam
  10. this little bitch was a runt but has turned into a strong girl and shold make a good lamper next season. just give em plenty of good grub.
  11. banjo14


    whippets in my opinion are the best thing you can have for rabbits. i have owned whippets and whippet crosses for about 18 years now and wouldnt change them for the world.
  12. i just found these on a bedlington website it says they are bedlington x saluki.
  13. last year my wifes cat was attacked by the neighbours alsation (on the road outside my house) the vets wanted to charge 1800 quid to repair her leg. when we looked into it there was nothing we could do about it even though the neighbours dog was just allowed to roam the streets.
  14. banjo14


    you can buy proper led tabs that clip onto the jesses they are a little bit brighter than starlights.
  15. no hes 23 inches and can spin on a six pence.
  16. i thouhgt i'd put these up so you could get a better idea of the size and build of the two perants. atb adam
  17. if the advert hasn't been removed from gumtree then print a copy of it to show the police if by some chance they do turn up, but i cant see them doing anything as it was advertised.
  18. you would think that the amount im out and about i would have seen them before. look at me getting excited to have seen a red but everyone else has been seeing them for years
  19. hello mate just my opinion but looking at his joints i dont think he will get much taller. how tall is he at the minute? atb adam
  20. i know there in thetford and surrounding areas but where we are i have never seen one and i have lived here for 18 years and am out three to four nights a week lamping. i would have argued with any one that they werent around here but i was obviously wrong. atb adam
  21. hello there i was out walking my dog at about 11 oclock last night when i saw deer eyes shine up in the beam of the lamp. first of all i thought they were roe( as is normal for round here) as i walked closer i realised it wasn't a roe or even fallow. i got within about 25 to 30 yards from them, they were two red deer stags one of wich had quite a large set of antlers and the other s were about half the size. i have never seen red around here before and was wondering if anyone else had seen them in the norfolk cambridgshire area. thanks very much for reading this adam
  22. my friends mum bred a northern inuit to x a bull greyhound / collie greyhound back to a greyhound. they turned out to be very tempemental but the dog they kept back was reasonable on bunnys but savage when it came to fox.
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