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About Craig1888

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  1. Looking for permission in west lothian area for rabbit / pigeon shooting with air rifles. Cheers
  2. yeh i have an old air arms gun not sure what model it is. its getting fixed just now, ive heard the s410 is a good gun but might be a bit expensive for me just now, il do some checking around tho
  3. Hello, im quite new to shooting but i like to go out looking for rabbits, the air rifle i have just now is old and heavy, can anyone recommend a new gun for me? i live in livingston (west lothian) and does anyone know of any gun shops near me? cheers.
  4. Thanks bud, that looks like a good proffesional website, cheers!
  5. Hello everyone, i recently got an old .22 air arms rifle, its a side lever action im not sure of the exact model but i know its fairly old. I was out shooting rabbits last night and it broke, when i pull the lever back there isnt any strain and it just doesn't fire. Ive taken it to the gun shop to get fixed. All im wondering is if anyone can recommend any good rifles for rabbit shooting that wont cost over the odds as im fairly new to it. The gun i have now is fairly heavy but im thinking thats just because its old and I would like something a bit lighter. Thanks for any advice / tips. I would
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