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Mooching Celt

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Everything posted by Mooching Celt

  1. Strange silence from the religeous leaders not coming out to condemn the actions of their own followers
  2. Build up one of these.......sound senser switch off ebay, commercial washing machine inlet valve again off ebay and a hose spayer, just needs a light wiring into the circuit to create enough load for the switch or it won't turn off and will give a few seconds of water in the face everytime they bark!! I'm a retard when it comes to technical stuff but this was easy
  3. Tea bag paper bedding for me.......warm, absorbant, next to no dust and clean. I get mine from the place i get my meat http://www.bulmerdogfood.co.uk/bedding/
  4. You don't get shit on when you deal with genuine lads...............
  5. most agricultural merchants sell it, i used the 6mm sheets and fixed it to the bar panels with tech screws
  6. Bar panels front and sides 5cm not 8cm with sheets of stok-board (recycled plastic) which they used at work on the pig unit as it's pretty much chew proof, yes the dogs can only see out the front but they don't wind each other up through the bars but the seem comfortable with the knowledge the neighbour is there https://www.doghealth.co.uk/
  7. Been asked by a friend who isn't on here about qualifiyers for a hunt terrier show...........anyone help me out?
  8. Never met the guy or had anything to do with him or his blood but he did what he did for himself and his job thats all
  9. From what i gather NS was a damn good pigeon man too.............ie.knew how to breed winners in a very competitive world
  10. Just cos the pedigree says it's there doesn't mean jack......there's still duffers in every line that shouldn't be bred off, look at me both sets of grandparents worked hard, parents worked hard...........and i turned out to be a w@nker Mind you i'm just worker to worker bred no closely line bred................
  11. Heard she got in a sticky mess a few times
  12. I know of marital aids too................
  13. I'd be grateful for any of those little belters
  14. It's the ones they pick off from the roadsides where they have no permission that does it for me, anyone who spends that much on dedicated kit isn't going to stop when they wiped out on the land they have permission on
  15. Very interesting. So tell me, if I wanted my terrier to actually look 6 inches longer, and maybe a wider girth, what angle would you suggest I put the camera at ? I'm talking terriers here, obviously. you'd have to photoshop mine in place of yours to get that look........................
  16. Mine came today aswell, not read any yet but flicking through the pages it has some amazing pics in it and looks very well laid out A credit to those involved and the service received was second to none
  17. you from the south yorkshire area mate No mate
  18. When i called round at Arthur Nixon's, god rest his soul, he was proudly wearing his RVWTC sweatshirt. It's a shame if a club that had such great support in the past is struggling to keep going
  19. I have a feeling someone is going to be down grading from a west mids based barn conversion to a concrete sectional garage..........
  20. Plenty of dogs can be game above ground in daylight..........even look the business at a stopend if that's your thing, yet down below, in the dark are cowards..... These types might bring something to the mix bred to a greyhound or whippet but as earthdogs are failures
  21. They all psychotic......anything that bleeds for 5 days and don't die can't be quite right
  22. Bet he wished he had stuck with Jennifer Aniston..........she looks like more fun
  23. Here's mine for next season, 8 months old. Hope he makes the grade or i'll end up with nothing after several failures
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