I’m not qualified but I used to work with livestock and was shown how to do it properly and competantly. My Mother was given some antibiotics for her dog by the vets with the instruction that I was to administer the jabs
If we sat down a did a risk assessment everytime we’d never do it!
Had a dog in under an old drystone wall that was covered in soil blown off the fields over the years last season, lifted dog shot quarry and the wall collapsed. We’d dug down the side of it anyway but the dog would never have survived the weight of stone
I heard something a long while ago regarding bone dry earths lacking oxygen or something along those lines compared to when the soil is damper.....can anyone elaborate anymore?
You can look at it another way that due to idiots f***ing things up for everyone this side of the channel by total unprofesionalism......then look at the profesional way they go about their business on their side. It’s maybe the same idiots trying to tell them they are doing it wrong
hmmm maybe swap those tongs for a bullx
All of my dogs have dew claws intact and trust me they are functional. Not going to get into an argument about it, not when I know I’m correct and you come from a nation that crops ears....another functional part of a dog
Watch a dog chewing on a bone and holding it with it’s front legs, it’s actually gripping the bone with it’s dew claws. If I get down play fighting with young dogs they grip my arm with their claws, bit like a thumb to them I supose
Couldn’t believe what I saw yesterday......silver honda crv driving fields with dogs running hares!! 31 feckin degrees middle of the day!! You are a f***ing idiot who doesn’t deserve a dog!!
And the local old fella walking his dog who you nearly ran over and when he shouted Oi at you, you all jumped out like f***ing hardmen
To be honest I’m glad I’m a miserable c**t with no mates if this is what the rest of the terrier world is like.......I’m staying in my own bubble and hope it doesn’t burst