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Mooching Celt

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Everything posted by Mooching Celt

  1. How old is the dog? Is he ready for it yet? If he's only young leave him 'til next season then try him again
  2. Another thing to take into consideration is the land you hunt, is it small fields, hilly land, open fenland etc? There are a 101 questions you need to ask yourself before you decide what will suit your needs
  3. Yes but not other way round for some strange reason
  4. This looks remarkably like the Wharfe near Harewood, Northern Counties?
  5. Red to red and black to black wiring a 12v 7Ah and a 12v 5Ah together makes 12v 12Ah i.e. wired in a parallel circuit I have a pair of 6v 5Ah batteries wired up with one black to the other battery's red terminal and the remaining red and black terminals to the lamp making a 12v 10Ah battery pack i.e. wired in a series circuit
  6. That dog looks abit over-shot to me................what's it do, suck it's quarry to death?
  7. Are you really suprised about that? Whenever someone is selling pups they either get ripped into cos they are asking for money for them instead of giving them away for free or branded puppy peddlers
  8. I hope they do find their voices for you mate, nowt worse than a terrier hunting away in cover mute.
  9. A public footpath is just a right of way, the land it passes across still belongs to the landowner.
  10. Many landowners used to give permission but got fed up with, excuse the pun, every man and his dog thinking they had the god given right to go where they wanted and do what they want..........result, permissions revoked and landowners anti dogmen!! I've lost permissions due to the wankers that are ruining the sport for the genuine lads. A couple of lads having a mooch on foot with a couple of dogs often resulted in a blind eye being turned but to turn up mob handed, driving the fields and generally being a nuscience has made us all become tarred with the same brush!!
  11. Took me a month to get my order delivered, 3 phone calls later with 3 different excuses..............1st call they said it had been dispatched, 2nd call they said they couldn't find my order, 3rd call they were waiting for a delivery.............poor way to run any business in my opinion
  12. Seen no end killed on the Bawtry to Finningley road when i've been down there running out of the quarry in the waggon, stopped a few times and had a look (mainly to see if any had a collar on) and usually they were hobs but seen a couple of jills though. Some deep sandy warrens round there and it seems some people don't bother with a collar and give them up as lost. Must be a fair population of ferals round there now
  13. Eh up Chris, the dog in my avatar is out of Fly and couldn't be more happy with the lad, does exactly what it says on the tin and in the words of Matt Hayes on the fishing programmes................"don't they hang on" Don't let the b@stards grind you down mate, hiding behind a user name to slag you off.............hmmmmm
  14. Best of luck with them, hope they forfill your expectations and all go on to prove their worth in the field
  15. Why do folks think that every dog WILL do the job, they won't...........FACT. There's always some that will when doubled up but not on their own and again some which won't under any circumstance
  16. Been there myself, lost a good terrier only to find him laid in a local vets after an accident on the road with a broken back so know how you feel. So sorry for your loss mate
  17. Need more info on this really, i mean if it was a squatter it could have thought your dog was it's mummy coming back to feed it and therefore you need at least 4 of those to count as a hare.................
  18. http://www.thisislincolnshire.co.uk/Fake-vet-jailed-illicit-animal-medicine-scam/story-13312804-detail/story.html So Ginger has gone down again................like the fact he managed to get one in the nuts of the arresting officer though
  19. Just make one copy of it, sell it on here then everyone else will buy the pirate copy off ebay for a quid
  20. f**k me THL police strike again..................get a life saddos
  21. Mine are under 150w dull emitter bulbs when it's cold and also after a hard nights graft, think it helps them recover quicker aswell. Last winter it reached -18c round here and was suprised at the way the dogs all kept good condition with very little increase in food.
  22. The only time you should ever need a stick is to drive the woman back into the kitchen
  23. Some folks seem to think getting a lurcher gives them the god given right to do what they want when they want where they want and then spout all that f**k the ban bollox.............poaching has always and always will be illegal and if you're gonna go wandering onto land you don't have permission to be on don't come on the internet crying cos you had a run in with the keeper/farmer/police
  24. Put carpet gripper track on top of the fence to stop the cats sitting up there winding your dogs up Pac-dogs make a water jet system that operates on sound detection and gives out a blast of water every time they bark, dunno how much it is though but i reckon they'll think twice about barking if they gonna get a face full of water every time they yap
  25. Why is there an ad for the rspca on this site???????????
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