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Mooching Celt

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Everything posted by Mooching Celt

  1. I use them, mine are put down as lurchers i think or maybe crossbreds (can't remember) never had to claim as yet though but yes, their rates are pretty good
  2. No mate i've already got another motor..............sell ya van and then buy mine
  3. As titled i'm selling my discovery, it's a '97 3 door with a full 12 months MOT and is taxed til the end of october. 180k on the clock which is nothing for these motors. I've had it 3 years and it's never let me down and gone through every MOT with ease. No rot solid chassis. Everything on it works fine from the interior to the running gear. Fitted with Grabber AT2 tyres all round. EGR valve removed and blanking kit fitted along with defender straight through front pipe so it breathes better. I have lurchers and terriers so the back seats are not fitted as i had a big cage in the back but
  4. I got rubber fuel piping on mine........it's heat resistant
  5. They do mate, those robing feckers at Deben will try to tell you different but as with the Mk1 boxes aswell as the Mk3s the boxes are exactly the same but with a different scale on the box. It's the collars that just give out a stronger signal Mk1s..........8' box will pick up a 15' collar to 15' and a 15' box will pick up a 8' collar to 8' Mk3s.........16' box will pick up a 40' collar to 40' and a 40' box will pick up a 16' collar to 16' A Mk1 box will pick up a Mk3 collar but for some reason not the other way round
  6. More importantly how many on here would openly admit that all they take lamping is a dog and a lamp? No back up whatsoever in the form of a simple first aid kit and a bottle of electrolyte replenisher for the dog. I bet some only carry a packet of fags and a can of redbull for themselves
  7. From what i heard actually went on they got what they deserved and it was somewhat different to their side of the story
  8. http://animalrightsu...men-turn-nasty/ Play with fire you gonna get burnt
  9. 300tdi disco 28mpg round the doors and 31mpg on a run doing about 65-70. Done a few of the recommended mods aswell, egr, front pipe etc but made no difference maybe going to tweak the pump a little to see if that makes it do any more My boss got a navara not sure what year as it on his private plate but new style and reckons he only can get 25mpg regardless how he drives it
  10. If you got a lazerlite just buy a metal reflector to replace the plastic one and pop in the 100w bulb. The beam's ok but not as good as the striker but a handy sized lamp that will fit in your pocket
  11. Got one we do every year during my trips up north between a stone wall and the river that seems to go on forever, always start it at first light armed with longnets stop nets and purse nets, a couple of good dogs and half a dozen ferrets. Start off at one end and keep lifting the ferrets and moving the nets along. Several attempts and we still haven't managed to work it all the way through from end to end but have come close a couple of times. A very productive spot that has been kind to us regarding bag numbers but would love to see it through to the end one day..............without rushing t
  12. Seem to be quite a few of the old ones coming up for sale of late...........anything to do with the fact that you can't get spare for the old type collars anymore?
  13. Had the same problem with a lurcher of mine, had council involved aswell but luckily no case to answer as it wasnt deemed as ecessive i.e. all the time but hassle is hassle so i made one of these It's basically a sound/movement sensor switch connected to a washing machine inlet solenoid which is set to give a 5 second blast of water the moment the tw@t opens his gob. Certainly does the trick with immediate effect and i've had no more problems since http://www.ebay.co.u...=item5ade5c22f2 Had to wire in a light to the circuit as the solenoid didn't produce enough load to make th
  14. It comes with a Strongstuff nylon collar with a pouch for the transmitter, far better than the thin leather one supplied. If you want pics pm me your mobile number and i'll send you them
  15. Depends on the hands doing the spanning, broad shoulders are a no-no for me in a fox dog and not too deep in the chest either
  16. A short while ago i was letting the terriers bush about in a bramble and gorse patch where there is always a few bunnys hopping around, Me stood in the middle with a lurcher on either side when ol' charlie appears at my feet, no worries i thought as the big dog was in prime position but what i didn't know was he'd dived into the brambles after it aswell and couldn't get out quick enough. Heard one terrier sreaming like a banshee away up the hill but managed to catch the younger one up. Walked up in the direction they'd all gone to be greeted by one lurcher returning, then the other but no ter
  17. Mate of mine had one, a half cross bred out of Cumbria. The most loyal dog you'd ever meet, would have put his life on the line for his owner. He put an awful lot of work into the training of the dog to produce an honest bunny catcher but the dog's downside was he was a total barsterward with other dogs, never could get that out of him and boy did that dog mean business when the red mist descended!! He'd only let his young daughter go out at night if she took the dog with her...............his protective nature meant no lads ever got within 5 feet of her
  18. Got a young dog here that didnt have an experienced dog to show him the way as i lost my old dog like you have, had him out ratting which made him keener and had him bushing ol' red in cover to learn the scent and he entered ok and this was not bred worker to worker just farm bred, how you bring them on is just as important as breeding can be
  19. KTM stands for "Keep Tightening Me" If the bigger bikes are the same as the dirtbikes then by the time you've done a few hours riding it'll have bits dropping off left right and centre Trumpets all the way for me
  20. You need one of these, sound sensor switch and a washing machine solenoid valve set to a hosepipe, gives a 5 second blast of water when the buggers start.Soon shuts them up
  21. You can tell when Snipe's on the laptop...............Jim's spelling improves
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