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Mooching Celt

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Everything posted by Mooching Celt

  1. Not a terrier but i had a lurcher that suffered from an enlarged prostrate and had to be cut, no probs workwise but after chatting to the vet he said that a castrated male gives out bitch pheramones which did seem to be true as other dogs wouldn't leave him alone and kept trying to mount him to which he reacted with fire.......just something to possibly be aware of
  2. Extreme bunny hugger brigade........they aint adverse to "liberating" aswell, as their rarely heard of these days name suggests
  3. prefer these guys https://youtu.be/cYJUywl7CFw
  4. Nets now sorted thanks to those who enquired but nobody really stood out as deserving of such a large amount of kit......after speaking to a friend they are now going to his to be sold/auctioned off to raise funds for a small pack of hounds in Wales
  5. I'm not splitting it to be honest i can't be bothered dealing with several people would just rather it all went in one go No ferrets mate they went to a good friend of mine where i know they would be well looked after and worked well
  6. Yes mate still have them here send me a pm telling abit about yourself and why you deserve them
  7. Right guys, free to any youngster taking up the game Due to me packing in with ferrets i have a big sack full of nets. Purse nets, long nets and stop nets plus some pegs..........along with a couple of homemade quick set baskets with various nets set on poles, some may be in need of re-rigging others will be fine straight out of the basket Collection from the Lincs area only due to size weight and amount of kit Edited to add that i will be travelling down to Herefordshire at the end of the month and can take them with me for collection at the show i am attending
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYf16zWHqZQ This is the cnut, look how shifty he gets when the coppers turn up, i think i read somewhere he already had an injunction against him
  9. Had a bitch when i was a kid that got pyramtria (sp?) when pups were 4 days old, vet advised to get them lapping goats milk and when a few days older n teeth coming through add finely minced meat. They took to it fine but were never what you'd call strong pups
  10. Another point i think is worth bringing up is how much work would you give them in their 1st season? I was taught that they should have a steady 1st season to, as Corkman says, keep them winning and then work them hard in their 2nd season to test them
  11. I have that book..........now read Dan Russell's Working Terriers book and you'll find it's almost word for word the same bloody book
  12. I was looking at a heel bar at work and thinking a couple of them cut down and welded through a piece of bar would do the trick
  13. Turned a job down this week........his usual chap couldn't make it, 2nd bloke he rang there was no reply!! So i was 3rd choice..........not my ground not my problem especially seeing as i won't get a look in all next winter. Just look after those who put work my way all season
  14. I have it and it's an excellent read Very interesting finding out about other people's thoughts on hounds and breeding from years gone by
  15. Here's my attempt a few seasons ago with a cheap shovel from toolstation And before anyone asks No i'm not making anymore...........make your own it's easy
  16. 12 months warranty on a new collar...........send it back
  17. I have a smoker with fuel hosing on it as it is heat proof
  18. I've looked closely at the pics and all i can see is a cracking little red pup.......maybe the whippet cross is hiding behind the sofa.....or maybe i need better glasses
  19. Had a look at a few when i was looking to buy including can-am, nice looking quad with good features but it seems they have a common problem of the chassis breaking in the middle needing bracing and welding up, The one i was looking at was cheap as it had this problem and the way theu found out it had happens was the quad kept cutting out when it hit a bump due to the throttle body coming away. They had another one in stock which had already been repaired
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