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Terrier locators
One Bellman & Flint receiver two collars charger magnet and a Barryvox Element receiver £310 posted
Mooching Celt
Due to health issues I've had to give up the dog work. I have 2 sets of locators and collars, 1x bnf red brick and 1x barryvox element. Just wondered what the going rate is for them?
And no, I haven't got any dogs for sale either
You just don't get it do ya......and I didn't post to get any likes, couldn't give a f**k what others think tbh
mind you, all you posts on this thread haven't had any either except the first post
Either Isla Humphries or Elaine Barnet Watts.....Welsh Borders Hunt sabs on fb ?
one is a psycho bitch from hell and a self harming weed smoking smackrat and the other's father hunted hounds and loved them more than his daughter which has left her quite bitter and twisted as a result
Ffs all this tittle tattling.......does anyone actually give a shit??
everyone's a c**t it's up to them to prove otherwise and I think everyone has made their minds up already