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Everything posted by border-hunter

  1. le chameau boots or wellys, good condition, decent price, size 11
  2. his ferret works with my 4 jills, he has 2 hobs, it was just the one day he went by himself thats proberly why his hob was tired,
  3. Hello guys, i have 4 Jills, 2 are workers and are 2-3yrs old, and my other 2 are 11 weeks old, i put my two 11week olds ones down a small warren behind my exsperienced worker and they enjoyed it ,, so im jus letting them play in there run with tubes and putting them in small un active warrens to give them practise because they seem to enjoy it .
  4. she has been fine every other time she has always caugh any time except yesterday,
  5. my ferret is perfectly fine thanks! she catches any other time :S , aye i have greyhounds but i keep thinking there going to bite my ferret so i dont use them much lol. going to see a labrador if my mam wil let me lol
  6. Just been ferreting at my mates farm, i went at 7.00am and tried every single hole, and not one rabbit. why is there none at this time? when they was all in the holes at 6pm because the dog chased one down, and i spotted 6 go down yesterday when i was out with the 22,
  7. okay cheers lads will keep yous posted with pics etc
  8. thanks mate many thanks, i have never bred ferrets only breed my greyhounds, but i have read alot but if i get stuck i will deffo not hesitate to ask someone on this forum, hopefully shes pregnant she seem to be getting fatter, jus fingers crossed
  9. hello there, my ferret is 2yrs old and she has been mated how long till i tell if shes pregnant, because she dont seem to be getting much fatter? any help please
  10. she will be fine mate, try using a towel folded with some straw ontop my jill is gonna haver hers in a few weeks and thats what im doing, unless someon gives me a better idea
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