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Everything posted by philkemp

  1. You shud try and keep them reasonably fit throughout the year as well then you wouldnt need 2 month to get em fit
  2. A lot of taxpyers money wasted on these fuckers and they neva really catch [NO TEXT TALK], watched 1 over week they sent 50 coppers out to catch people lamping and caught 3 drunk drivers haha wankers!
  3. Plenty of exercise and good food, but i would'nt recomend overdoin it straight away if its jst bin sat on its arse for lst 4 month, season starts in 2 to 3 weeks time y have you nt started getting it fit sooner or were you planning on giving up?
  4. who bred this dog mate?? A mate of mine y do you ask?
  5. greys gave it abit of height imo, nice looking dog! Yeah a bit pal still only 23tts tho so nt that big really good rabbit dog and he doesnt do 2 bad on the big stuff either
  6. Here the 1 that i own bull/grey/whip wat percentage i do not know
  7. An hour or 2 a day jst mooching then twice a week out on canal for abwt 5 mile fast running or as fast as i can go on bike haha then maybe twice a week running bunnys
  8. All started we ferritin at the age of 11 dont kno y but i wanted to have a ferret as a pet, then when i got my 1st 2 jills n did some reading up on them and realised you could hunt rabbit we them, i was out we them every chance i got. Then 1 day a mate of mine bought a lurcher and she came along ferreting we us n just watching her run n catching rabbits was amazing, i was hooked never looked bck, couldnt imagine life weout my running dogs it would be a pretty boring round mine weout em!
  9. Like the dog in the middle, how old n wat x is he?
  10. Its a horrible desease better 2 put them out their misery always pisses me off when i c myxi in the areas i go too but lukily it hasnt been to bad over the lst few year, did you see any that werent infected?
  11. I use photobucket, register and upload pics to there then copy and paste the 4th code into your post here and pic appears. Totally free Cheers will give it a try i use to use photoshop on here but since the change happened thats dissapeared
  12. Bring bck photoshop cnt put any photos up nw!
  13. Dont mean to go of topic but how do you lads get pics on here now its changed and photoshops gone?
  14. How do you lot sort your photo's out nw since its all changed?

  15. How do you lot sort your photo's out nw since its all changed?

  16. My bullx is a cracking rabbit dog works well we ferrets, marks,retreives live to hand and catches more rabbits than all the other dogs i work him we and he's had his fair share of hares to, so dont kno where people are getting they no good for rabbit shite from do admit he hasn't got the top end to run hares at a decent standard but most of em he's caught have bin through sheer determanation to get his quarry jst doesnt give up
  17. I prefer my dogs to have bull in them i think it gives them a really good prey drive that cnt b matched by adding any other breed into the lurcher make up, ran many diffrent x's over the years but now its gotta have bull in jst my opion
  18. This is mine pal he's a cracking dog does everything i ask of him
  19. would never use 1 myself, yhink there a waste of money really
  20. Is it me or is 1 of them rabbits gold? Lucks like you had a good nite tho atb Phil
  21. You cant beat a good daytime coarse on a hare!
  22. How long did you leave him in we them? Like already said i would put the jills to him seperate and leave them together for a gud day or so
  23. As said already ive sin heavier looking bull/greys them 2 look like nice strong dogs
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