My mates dog jst starting out this season does the same we the 1st few bunnies even tho she retreives balls/sticks anything else well, think its more to do we the pup bein excited than anything else would giv it a lot more time n maybe calm down we the dog till bout 10/12 month old at least
Maybe its the coat on em but they look a bit heavy built to be reyt hare dogs, jst my opion be interesting to see if anyone knows if these dogs are up to scratch, and if they do olt other than long ears
Always give my dogs something a few hours before now didnt used to would feed them after but as said above ive had dogs collapse n have fits so always feed bout dinner time before a gud nites work
I jst love watching these magnificent animals do wat they were bred for! But i would be lying if i said i didnt mind if they didnt catch anything i jst love it when they put in a gud strike then the retreive cnt be beaten!
This guy cnt be for real even the numbest f****r ever would never put a whippet on sumat that bites bck at 6 month old, i mean it wud never even cross a sain persons mind surly!
Shud do them no problem i have one here dont kno wat percentage he is but he's bull/whip/grey n he seems to like getting bit seems to make him more mad!
I like to get mine jumping small things from a early age even if its jst a peice of wood across door at say 6 to 8 inch high n gradually build up as pup gains confidence