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Everything posted by philkemp

  1. Think imguna get my lad out on a few short trips this yr we ferrets! he loves messing we them already, will be 3 in oct so think this season be ggod to let him come along for a few hour
  2. Had both wouldnt say they a big diff working wise at all. but i do prefer my bitches but have two dogs on at the mo n am looking into getting nother dog! lol
  3. The pup was a nasty twat at 11 week old? this is why i never come on ere anymore full of f*****g fools!! As for the chap selling these pups good price to say they jabbed,wormed up to date good look we sale pal!
  4. Nice bags! out tonite hoping for a good few myself!
  5. Im going out weather was perfect today but the rains stopped the skys cleared n winds dropped but feck it guna giv it a whirl got myself all excited nw!
  6. A litter jst dropped lst thursday mate outta my dog and my mates sire saluki/bull/grey x dam saluki/whippet
  7. Yeah i cnt see much from the 1 st pic either
  8. I jst put a raw egg in a bowl mix it up a bit and let them at it mine usually lap it up till all gone, 2 7 wk old kits will prob nt eat a full egg between them straight away but you never know they are greedy buggers! But shud imagine they would eat most of it, and if not jst take the bowl out as they will probly crawl in it and get it all over it wont cause them any harm mind jst be a bit messy
  9. Plenty on the parts of the dales i go but a hell of a lot of em do go in walls,cracks in limestone but still also get plenty to ground. And i have ran hares that have took safety in rabbit holes and drains only a few like but have witnessed it
  10. Thats a belter is that mate well done!
  11. good on you pal for collecting them up!
  12. Had mine done earlier in the year cost me £ well worth it tho providing its done correctly and is a sucsess
  13. was jst guna say no message received! will do nw bud
  14. Anybody have any small/rubt size jill kits for sale? lancashire area nt fussed bout colour as long as she small cheers Phil
  15. I like my small jills as i dont like digging n most are jst bolted to the dog, n as for muzzles u shunt be using them mate went out in the dark ages!
  16. Was in scotland lst wkend camping and on the drive up there the amount of deer we seen was unreal roe,sika,red all over! but saying that theres a lot of roe rnd ere at the mo my dog getting 1 at least once a wk n thats nt even looking for em!
  17. Good look we them pal my jill dropped on monday they was 9 originally but 1 died after a couple of hour, was really tniy compared to the rest atb Phil
  18. Had mine done abwt 5 weeks ago and its only 2 little incisions above the ballsack that 1 looks a mess compared to mine! Hope it all goes well mate im keeping my fingers crossed for when i put mine to a jill that it has all been a sucess! Atb
  19. The bitch is 23 tts mate she was runt of her litter her bro's n sisters all made 26/27 so i kno [bANNED TEXT] nt guarenteed to get that size of dog but as this is what the result is from the previous litter with simalar sire was jst saying u will prob end up we something similar, and trust me mate these dogs are not for newcomers! Come over to burnley and ask ppl about the bitch and my dog there fecking mental pal! In my eyes too much for a beginner there prey drive is thru the roof and it doesnt jst turn off when say [bANNED TEXT] going for a stroll, someone who has no experience of dogs woul
  20. Pissed off would be the word that comes to my mind pal!
  21. My vet wanted £50 for the bits to be sent away so im jst hoping everything going to be ok as i declined the offer, but surely if there charging you for the op they shud know wat there doing he told me that the pipes could fuse bck together at anytime then the hob will become fertile again? Bloody hope not!!
  22. Had probly my best jill ever pass away last year gutting int it pal, atb Phil
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