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coney clucky

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Everything posted by coney clucky

  1. they rekon them squirrels taste mint their 350 each down local game dealers thats all dunn ready for the pot might have to get traps out and have a go
  2. any dog will jack if given enough stick know your dogs limits and dont go overboard and try for that one more run
  3. id buy a pup but fck al of here some right dodgy dog dealers mate try word of mouth of people you would trust best way pall atb
  4. i want a invite mate ha great stuff keep it up hey what bans that then ha
  5. mostly in my freezer ive had em all bagged and frozen haha happy days snooze you lose
  6. you in for some laughter and some pricks on here mate take what your told with pinch of salt as lot on here armchair hunters or as we say brian plummers story tellers and dreamers atb newbie from clucky
  7. was out this morning in woods near my home with the dogs and just for a laugh i had a go at calling grey squirrel i was amazed when it lept from a low branch and started to run into the place iwas but the little twat clocked me before i could get the terrier and lurcher on it tried again on another it only came half way and then fcked off never done it before but will defo be trying again next time their
  8. knock on their doors and blow fcking big horn right in their rat like ears the scum we should have open season on them the vermin twats fck the sabs fck the ban
  9. the only good cops are the ones that dont leave the station
  10. say nowt and tell em you thought the dog was a guide dog if they keep on at you ha lol
  11. mate pete sold scamp other week 750 he said he got and it was 3 or touch older the pup pete kept am told it doing the bizz our boy got a black and tan dog which is suposed to be related to scamp some how looks like a raggy saluki greyhound cross our boys
  12. a good dog bloke in sunderland called fritz had a airdale dog and trained it as a general gun dog it turned out ok and on several outings got stuck right into foxes that had been shot with shot gun but were still trying to escape it was also very hard mouthed on shot birds
  13. also 4 pre ban with bull cross fred plus a bambi at same place diffrent night also now gone rip fred a legend in northeast
  14. pre ban had 4 with a 5/8 3/8 hancock bred dog rip tarn
  15. mint when charlie in the bag aswell goodluck keep em on their toes pall wel done
  16. imno expert by any means on this subject but the minshaws ine seen seem to be mostly greyhound looking with touch of bull and some looking to have collie in aswell a pall of mine got minshaw breed or at least was told they minshaw lines and both looking like thicker coated greyhounds
  17. cant help getting spot check was not caught on land or lamping just i had bunnies in car and no permmission in area and i was ten miles from were they were caught pall
  18. think about it;;; some things are best kept to yourself yes mate but when you angry and just want to get it of ya chest atb pall
  19. any threads on here that mention getting caught or owt like it are taken of here faster than you can post so isnt this site ment to be a hunting site to share and pass on experiances you have while out hunting so as no ome on here been poaching i think not or had run ins with the law while out lamping this site can be just as restrictive as the hunting laws and views not allowed if its not to moderators tastes the very word lurcher means little theif and as allways been known as the poachers dog i was caught with rabbits in my car without permmision in the area wasnt caught actually la
  20. once yapping started to late to try and stop it best of starting again with new dog and find pet home for last one bit drastic to shoot but if you just going to pass on to dealer then might be for the best id try and get a good pet home first with no chance of it getting in the market
  21. out lastnight wi me bull cross pup plenty bunnies about but very light and got very wet nanaged to get 7 bunnies with both her and me older dog rabbits seem to have had mixy but some must have got over it as they were scabby round the eyes and thin but didnt se any that were realy bad so hopefully they over the worst pup got 3bunnies ok missed a few easy ones but getting better every time
  22. when it comes down to it the only thing we want to worry about is what our dogs can do if they make the owner prowed and happy well you cracked it to many on here want to bicker about whos got this and who doing that fck that im in for my own plesure and if my dog doing it then fine why think of others sure they not thinking of you atb
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