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coney clucky

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Everything posted by coney clucky

  1. a good dog is a dog you can enjoy the nights lamping with or the days hunting with if the dog is in your opinion a godun for you and does what makes you happy then its good one for you and thats al that matters not everyones idea of a goodun is going to be the same it takes allsorts atb for the season pall
  2. they saay earliey bird gets the worm and to true if your first person to get out on the fields before they get lamp shy your laughing and your dogs will get lot more game im always out checking the areas i hunt and when the fields cut you can bet im their first the new crop of game dont know what hit them
  3. seen plenty bambi round hexham and slaley and lots of fields still long but some cuting has been done i dont stop do a little all year round but thats just me love to be out with the mutt catching the odd thing herre and their and as soon as thyt all cut me dogs fit and ready no lying round all sumer doing nowt
  4. as the new season fast approaches lads do you thing all this wet weather will make much diffrence to the bags of game or not i no the crops are just starting to get cut and some will be very late this year do you think alot of warrens will have been flooded out and the bunny kits drowned their for the population well down
  5. have been told today my kennels and runs have to come down and lurchers have to be gone when housing officer comes back in 14 days i ve hadthem at present address ten years never had permmision to keep them but never had problems untill the fat twat next door was moving out we never seen eye to eye and she made it clear she didnt like my dogs or me and then the sly git puts in a complaint to home housing and bang goes me dogs the lot im in breach of my tenancy as i had more than the stated amount of dos you can keep which is 2 and ive got 4 and they now want kennels runs the lot out dont kno
  6. ive had two good dogs which id have put against owt ive seen in my thirty years with working dogs one was a hancock bred dog bred owt of richard jones the other was a bull cross game as they come tackle any thing big or small the hancock in his day would have been up with the best fox doga around r i p tarn and fred legends to me
  7. jeff nics got a half cross of trevs stuff called goose nice animal bred by trev he breeds some fine lurchers of them deerhounds of his
  8. lot of people got minshaw dogs if thats the money makers at the moment then they got the next moneymaking breed as soon as minshaw goes out of fashion those who knock em got them nd they the best if the money and buyers are their for the mugging use your own judgement when looking at the threads and thinking of adding a new dog one mans drink is another mans poison
  9. this thread is like a soap full of shite if you got a good lurcherwho gives a toss as long as it does the job dont matter what or who the breeder is the dog and its breeder will get slagged of on here first it was hancock dogs then bullx types minshaws and ext ext the dogs only as good as its last night or day out if its your type and you happy then whats the problem
  10. i was up my palls in cumbria two days ago and collected a pup with minshaw lines in it the fellow i got pup of was doing a bit with vic minshaw way back and as allways kept a dog with minshaw in the breeding seen some very old pics of vic and my pall ziggy doing well on all quarry
  11. my bullx bitch killed a large cat while out 2 weeks ago in the next street to where i live the owner of the cat didnt see my dog kill her cat but i went round explained that it was a accident and that dog had slipped her collar she went of her head but when i gave her fifty quid and bunch of flowers she calmed down ive heard nowt else so i guess she ok now but shit happens mate if her cat had killed my pidgeons i wonder if she would have came round and done the same it was an expensive cat the twat
  12. i hope to find a bull cross or something simalar to be getting out with now as i hunt a lot of heavy gear at this time of year my old dog as long gone and to be honest should have replaced him before he went my son got this deerhound xsaluki bull grehound in and im left taking it out they not my cup of tea and its more for the coursing side im still going round the doors scratting about but its crap when you no the dogs not into that sort of hunting to much sight hound blood in him very little bull
  13. as it says how many of you still going out and whats the bags like at end of night im not doing much now and i no a lot will have ended their seasons hunting but some will be hunting all year round i dont stop as a rule but only got a deerhond x in and its young and not a game dog more of a coursing dog and as ive nowt to do the heavt stuff ive been doing nowt till a get a teeth and claw dog in
  14. this dog is no rubbish just not for me im looking for a genuine swap were both parties get what they want this dog does exactly what ive said not in it for money this dog is for the rabbiters and long ears lads of which im not and as said its no dud
  15. im bullcross type mate this pup is of very slim build long face well racy i like more bull inthem ie 5/8 38 or three quarter breds
  16. im not trying to sell this dog its as i said the dog was my sons and he at college now and i take it out with my dogs but it gets very few runs with me as i dont hunt much these days for bunnies or longears and as id like to get another dog in for my type of gear just thought id see if anyone has a dog i could use and wants a bunny dog in its place then that way both parties happy
  17. the dogs not forsale honest add just im not bunny hunter and want a teeth and guts dog
  18. selling a dog......i think this is a honest advert mate dont want money for the dog he not make blood and teeth dog and want him to go to somebody who does bunny and the likes and would like a hard bitten twat in his place not for sale but would swap him for right home and dog
  19. hi lads anyone on here got a hard bitten do owt dog and want a unspoilt 13monthold more of a longears bunny type dog hes running lamp and jumping just aint going to be hard inany sense of the word he had longears and bunnies but not a lot got him for me son but im left to take him out and to be honest im not into bunnies or thelikes brindle in colour 26tts honestly unspoilt stock broke keen as on small gear trial given
  20. hi rocky pall i agree with you to an extent but good dogs can be made out of dogs that are of untried dogs this is only my opinion but most good lurchers owe their abilty in part to breeding but in the main to their owner or their up bringing and training you cant expect alurcher to just learn by him self he needs constant and good training methods to bring out the best in him yes the bloodlines can make a diffrence but the work put in dog makes or breaks him as they say many a good dog spoilt due to bad training and trainers
  21. nice dog mate but not the best ive seen but they say beuty isin the eye of the beholder so if its the best in your eyes then fair play theirs no accounting for taste
  22. none of these harris males were of carter ill take 150 each mate toss in bow perch
  23. about a hundred pounds mate but they can be same price depends if the male agood one and female dun nowt
  24. one ugly leggy thing each to their own but not being funny you could not pay me to take that to big in chest and the tail on it dunn crap how people see plummer in that is beyond me but fare play to you pall hope its game and do what you want ive never been a fan of the russell but their you go
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