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Everything posted by millytheterrier

  1. Brinsea Octagon 20 eco is a gooden and great for beginners.
  2. Bleeding heck, I didnt know the HLF was around in 2004. lol

  3. I dont keep oxford type duckwing!
  4. My Ko Shamo Stag. 11 Months Old. Milly.
  5. Reading all that, I guess I was talking out of my backside. I dislike american game.
  6. W.E patterdalejoel! Yeah I know that now, Foxdigger13. Thanks for that..
  7. Ahh right, Yeah saw a pic of a pair. the hen looked quite gamey.
  8. i wish my birds were in lay!

    1. salt fish

      salt fish

      And i wish they were lol

  9. I agree with laurence, they are really tame birds and not very noisey either!
  10. I were going to get a trio of these, well american roundheads, but there far to aggressive & noisey!, there only good for fighting! and that turned me off.
  11. Theres a bloke on ebay selling large pure white o shamo hatching eggs, his ebay name is robertstraud http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/6-Very-Large-Pure-White-O-Shamo-Hatching-Eggs-/280802417568?pt=UK_Pet_Supplies_Poultry&hash=item416120dba0 Milly.
  12. Bobwhites have gone, Still got the coturnix though.
  13. Ive built three in total but heres two of my breeding pens Ive recently built. first one is 4ft by 4ft i think and second one is 4ft by 3ft. Made them for my ko shamo. Ive also got a 5ft x 8ft shed im converting, will add pics when ive done that and my egg laying chicken setup. Milly..
  14. Hughesy, put a pic up pal, theres plenty of knowledged folks on here that will tell you exactly what they are.
  15. Im from lincoln as well m.hubbard. on gillies estate.
  16. I usually feed my two stinkers on chicken legs or wings, but Ive got a few surplus quail cock birds going spare would these be ok to feed to my 2 ferrets? Cheers milly
  17. I agree with veedublee.. They look quality paulus.. milly.
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