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Everything posted by millytheterrier

  2. Hello all Right Ive decided that Im giving up with chickens now, and moving onto ferrets. I have - Quartet of Silver sebrights - £40 6 LF hybrids, excellent layers - £15 a pair or £35 the lot. Pair of California Quails - £40 Pm or email for more info Cheers Craig
  3. There still available! Im open to offer on them. Thanks Craig
  4. Hi Mate How much you asking for Ferrets? Thanks Craig
  5. Hello all I have for sale - Quartet of Silver sebright bantams, there simler looking to modern game. all are 18 weeks old and unrelated. cockeral does crow ocassionaly. £45. I also have a Goldern birchen Japanese bantam cock, also 18 weeks old, crows ocassionaly. Hes FREE. reason for sale, Im moving back onto my Quail and Partridge. Pm or Email if Interested Cheers Craig
  6. Stll avaliable. These cages are hard to get hold of. and I would expect when they were new they wasnt cheap. I'll except £90 for the two. defintly Idea for Ferrets. Craig
  7. Hello all I have 2 large white Breeding cages for sale, both used but in good condition. I think they are Ex-vetinary cages. The cage is constructed of steel with a large door opening and a tray that slides out for easier cleaning. Ive used them for housing my serama bantams. There ideal for housing poultry,small animals even ideal for Ferrets and small dogs. The size - Width: 39.5 - Height: 27 - Depth: 27 I would prefer if they were sold together. as they slot in to each other. Pm or email If interested. Craig
  8. cheers maltenby I'll wait till next year. Craig
  9. Hello all Im after a couple of Working ferrets for Rabbiting. possibly a pair hob and jill. Im after a young pair and would prefer if they are unrelated. Cheers Craig Im in Lincoln.
  10. Blimy mate thats a lot of rats. good on you mate, excellet photos.
  11. Hi all whats the best way to get permisson to hunt on farmers land? what methods does everyone do? cheers Craig
  12. Hi [bANNED TEXT] if it doesnt sell on here try Ebay. Craig
  13. Hi all I have a large cage for sale, ideal for ferrets, small dogs, small animals etc. check out this link : http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...E:IT&ih=006 Craig
  14. Hi all I have a Lavender pekin cock FTGH if anyone interested. hes this years, very friendly and tame. Pm if intrested. Craig
  15. Hello all I have 1 Pair of California Quails for sale, both 07 Bred and Unrelated. will make excellent Breeding birds for next year. there both F2 Birds - meaning they are almost the wild type. PM If Interested Craig
  16. Hi I might be interested if there was a picture? Craig
  17. Hey all I have a few Quails for sale - Pair of English whites Trio of fawn/british Japanese 1 California quail male. Trio of Cross Wyandotte Bantams Will have Red legged Partridges for next year. PM If intrested Craig
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