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Everything posted by millytheterrier

  1. Nice 1 borat mine are ment to be show quality, but i dunno. Yeah mine are very docile birds, the rooster doesnt even crow. and your right they arnt really flighty either. ive herad OEG are noisey lil buggers.
  2. Yeah they start laying between 6-8 weeks old. I breed mine in a ratio of 1 cock and 3 hens. and pritty much everything else you said skinnyboy. my hens are laying like mad at the minute. cock birds are priceless really, only worth dolla if there meat birds. like skinnyboy said hens about a fiver each.
  3. Hi all, I like the idea of this job and i honestly think it would suit me, but how do you get into this type of work? (Vermin Control) Thanks Craig.
  4. Thats cool. nice1. if your wanting quail for there eggs or meat, your best getting jumbo or giant coturnix. Your welcome. and thanks, I hope i get a few more eggs from them before it gets to cold.
  5. Your welcome. I wouldnt advice to have them free range. because they dick off. or some predator might get them. If you had an area wheres its closed off they should be okay as long as you clip one of there wings, i had a few spare quail cocks i let free range, they didnt escape. it was just the hens pecking them and chasing them. Your probberly better off keeping them in a coop or ark. then you know where they are. sounds like your jerseys have an excellent free range life. haha, if you put one of my mods up against one of your jerseys you see a big differents.
  6. Thanks They are a bit weird looking, with long legs. but there alright. can be a bit agressive as well. Yeah my quails are getting on fine. No eggs yet though, think its the weather getting to cold for them, although they are in a heated shed. Coturnix quail are easy to keep, if your on about the rarer breeds some are quite flighty. im getting some bobwhite quail at the weekend for next years breeding. they are quite flighty birds. I will put up some pics of them once ive got them. I dont find them high maintenance. Its like my moderns, (this was before i bought mine) ive
  7. what were you digging for treasure. good pics, liking your patty fella.
  8. or use photobucket. to resize your pics.
  9. Heres a pic of my trio of black red mods.
  10. Now Sold. Thanks for the interest. I might have a few others for sale in a couple of weeks. will update then. Thanks.
  11. (These are not giants, there jumbos!!) got mixed up sorry. I have 7 pairs of jumbo coturnix quail. (Japanese Quail) They are 3 weeks old today, but they need another 2-3 weeks on heat. They make great pets or table birds. Looking for £3.00 a pair or make me an offer for the lot. I also have a few other coturnix males spare, ideal for the table. there free. Pm or email me if interested. Thanks Craig.
  12. Hi All, Im currently raising jumbo coturnix quail for the table and egg production. But I wondering what sorta price would I get for each bird, or if i selled them in a brace. (Table birds)- Spare Males. Thanks Craig.
  13. Try battery farms around your area.
  14. I have four spare coturnix quail male birds at 3 weeks old. Will also have some white jumbo texus coturnix ready in a good months time. Thinking about fattening the spare boys up when there a little bit older, but if not there ftgh if anyone wants them. Cheers.
  15. I have for sale, An ex german rubberised poncho, Fully waterproof and In excellent condition. can be used as a shelter if you have two of them joined together. 1 Pair of ex army gaiters, they are just a standard size. in good condition. £25. Plus £5 for first class recorded delivery. Can send monday morning. Thanks for looking. Cheers Craig.
  16. Ive decided im gonna sell my moderns. I have 2 pairs of black reds, an adult pair (Year old) and a young growing pair (18-20 weeks) adult cockerel has proven fertile, most people tell me this breed is noisey, but I never hear mine crow. Adult hen is currently moulting. the young pair are growing really well and the pullet is fairly tame. Older cockerel has been dubbed and young cockerel hasnt. They are from really good bloodlines - Phil staddens and dean kays. Both pairs are currently housed in doors in my shed, both kept in separate pens. but will happy live together. These are gam
  17. Ive had a good few incubators in my time, Id say the brinsea octagon 10 or 20 would be ideal for a starter. I use a brinsea octagon 20 advance 2010 style. Dont buy that Novital incubator, there rubbish.. well they from my experience anyway.
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