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Everything posted by millytheterrier

  1. yeah, I mean more aggressive towards one another, before therer were playful, now there getting to the stage where they all wanna be the boss of each other and biting each other etc.
  2. Thats a good price, but the god dam site wont let me register and buy one.
  3. Thanks stopemhopping, will have a look on net for it.
  4. Thanks, No there not castrated. although my albino is going in a another hutch with a jill. as hes getting a bit to playful now with the two polecat coloured ones.
  5. thanks for the replys, think i get myself a polecat coloured jill to go with my albino hob. and just see what i get from the offspring.
  6. Im wondering if anyone know any good dry ferret food in 7.5kg or bigger, as im currently buying 2kg bags of dry food, which is priced at £6+ and it last about 5 days max for 3 hob ferrets which is bloody loads when you gotta buy so many bags. I also feed them chicken wings & eggs. but could do with bigger amounts so i get my moneys worth and it lasts longer. Thanks..
  7. In was having un protected phone sex last night, now it turns out ive got hearing aids. lol

    1. judge2010


      you cant put "lol" on the end of your own joke mate

  8. Wondering if this is possible, crossing an albino hob over a polecat jill? if so what will they produce in off spring? not really wanting to cross tbh, but cant get pure ferrets cause no1 got anything.. so pretty much screwed.. Cheers..
  9. Wanted - Albino or silver ferret jill.

  10. Im in need of a white albino jill for my albino hob. had to separate my hobs as there starting to fight for real. and dont wanna leave hob on his own. need a young jill around 10-12 weeks old. Lincoln area. Thanks.
  11. welcome to the site lincolnlass, im a yellow belly as well.
  12. Im looking for borders or red factor canarys or consider any others. Also wanting gouldian & star finches. looking for breeding pairs. Dont want zebra finches, far to common and breed like rabbits.. lol Thanks
  13. I have three ko shamo pullets free to good home, i hatched them all from hatching eggs early this year, there around 6 months old. Thanks
  14. Hey folks, does anyone have any double or single breeding cages for sale. am in lincs. thanks.
  15. Its pissing it down in lincoln today haha.

  16. Ive got 3 copper maran hens, they lay a proper dark egg shell.
  17. Are they OEG? Thats a good hatch rate. I like the third pic. wish i had a good hatch rate with some asil eggs i bought..
  18. Nicee chicks and thats a good hatch. ive always had good hatch rates from buying eggs off ebay. although theres the odd crook on there who will send you duffs.
  19. I will be incubating both lots of eggs above in the next couple of days, hopfully few weeks down the line, they will hatch. will these be okay together once hatched?? or am i gonna have blood firsty birds going at one another. Many Thanks
  20. Hey fella, Ive tryed PM you but it wont let me for some stupid reason.. do you have any indian game bantam hatching eggs?? Thanks.
  21. Reading from what you guys have put, some of my ko shamo are not even fully matured yet then. mine are only around 6-8 months old. thats why the pullets are laying either..
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