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Everything posted by millytheterrier

  1. what is it with my bitch of a terrier f**king my leg..

  2. what is it with my bitch of a terrier f**king my leg..

  3. Whats the neutral thing in your profile??? Im a 1. lol
  4. I wish i had kept my incubator now. Dam...

  5. is in for a bollocking from my boss at work, because of some stupid prick customer!

  6. is in for a bollocking from my boss at work, because of some stupid prick customer!

  7. That music in the back ground was terrible. although was funny.
  8. Does anyone eat road kill?
  9. sorry for your loss chap. looked a nice dog..
  10. thanks for that guys, mine are are between 6 -7 months old now.
  11. What age are ferrets ready to work? Thanks..
  12. nice1 fcuktheban. Im gonna respray it a dark green or black anyways kittlerox.
  13. Got it off ebay mate, brand spanking new. Its made of fibre glass so its light as hell. cost me £10.50by bidding. but you can buy them now for £25 quid. I think there is a couple more starting cheap.
  14. title pritty much says it all or can anyone recommend me any good air rifle sites. Ive got a westwood 2.2 air rifle but need a new stock for it.. Many Thanks
  15. Wanted 1.77 bolt action /gas air rifle with scope and silencer. want it for rats, rabbits, Pigeons. Many Thanks
  16. depends what boozer I go too, fosters £1. and in another boozer its like £3.20 or sumits.. lol
  17. going to respray it though as pink looks a bit faggy!
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