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About spoof

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Some of my old beddies. All gone now. Look at parents see them work if poss.before you take one on as potential worker. Decide what you want out of your dogs. You only get what you put into a dog. Ha the list goes on.
  2. Custom stock made up great fit quality made.
  3. Ha yes been after one for ages great for schoolies. 

  4. Flattie fanatic mk1 View Advert Wanted flattie fanatic mk1 in good condition Advertiser spoof Date 28/11/20 Price Category Fishing Kit  
  5. nice one lads will give it a try. is the 500 longer than original which I found bit short?
  6. ha nice to see working beddie topic still going and just as lively. is nicky newbourn still doing his dogs last I spoke to him it was airdales.
  7. thinking of changing my old stock on hw99 for sporter as on my hw80. any suggestions? original stock is a bit short for me.
  8. hi yes still have them,front and rear. wish I still had the gun.
  9. hi are you still wanting hw 35 front/rear sight
  10. thanks for reply. at least I know its threaded now.
  11. cant get the silencer off my . grub screw is out but cant unscrew or pull off.
  12. any working ferret kits going soon Cheshire/Shropshire please. small polecat type pref. ta spoof.
  13. is it poss to get the 16foot terrier collor looked at or repaired,i know its a sealed unit so i dont understand why mine wont work...changed batteries cap cleaned up rivet its not the box and debens dont make or test them now.
  14. same as dully,thought dog had a heart attack.thought the dog was on its way out so took it to the vet who jabbed him with glucose and within minutes was up and wondering what the fuss was about.this was after a long days bushing,blood sugar was low,exuastion and dehydration. think this is fairly common in running dogs.
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