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Everything posted by hellyer189

  1. Try getting her out with another dog mate
  2. There caged inside with a run outside just a few to many cats for mu liking gyp already killed one! Long walks it is
  3. One guy got away with 2 dogs.......... well done you haha
  4. May seem a silly question but I recently moved house and wanted to know can it stress out the dogs they seem to be acting up abit! Could be excitement I don't no but there not themselves.
  5. My first lurcher is a bull x, I wouldn't change his as he has been a lesson well learnt!! Just take your time picking it and take no notice of what the haters say my 5/8 3/8 can run just aswell as any he is very quick and can turn on a penny just make sure you put the time and effort in and you will reap the rewards!! Atb
  6. At the end of a day you breed the dog for a purporse if the dog fits the bill and does what it's supposed to then it's the right tool for the job
  7. i have a few pheasants left over in the freezer and a rabbit, is it okay to give him raw pheasant just the lurcher that is?
  8. right i no every one has there own prefernces but what i wanna no is some good decent dry food to feed my lurcher and terrier......i didnt realise untill me terrier was ill the food im feeding is not good at all, so untill ican source BARF at a decent price, dry food it is so cmon what would you recomend?
  9. i would intise it more to stay.....put more hens in ya garden and then come start of season.... well problem solved so to speak
  10. who said that drw81? hahah what a ledgend!!!! thats the dumbest thing iv ever heaqrd on here by miles!!
  11. people shouldnt let cats out of the house!

    1. Tallyho


      could not agreee more .

  12. Iv heard good things about runts of a litter and just wondered what all you thought?
  13. i think a good old pint is in order tonight

    1. judge2010
    2. Bogger


      lol @ judge

    3. hellyer189


      If only I was that lucky to be paid for sweet fa

  14. The slightest hint of anything abnormally wrong with my dog it's straight to the vet to much time and money spent to take silly risks!!!
  15. And I bet we as tax payers are paying for there doll money getva job you do goody priks
  16. at the end of the day were all out for the same reason....why let it get too ya theres always more!!
  17. "back on the lead for the rest of the walk".......its not like putting a child on the naughty step you know? If it needs a shake or a kick up the arse it gets 1......And i can assure you my dogs 'like' me for the simple fact i am the one who feeds them. Before we all go daft here i'm not talking about beating the dog to a pulp, i'm talking about a kick up the arse for its troubles. I get what ya mean like when ya mate pisses ya off so ya give the prick a willy whop for being a dik lol A willy whop.....is that a backhander af the nuts?... No thats assualt at the highest level, wha
  18. "back on the lead for the rest of the walk".......its not like putting a child on the naughty step you know? If it needs a shake or a kick up the arse it gets 1......And i can assure you my dogs 'like' me for the simple fact i am the one who feeds them. Before we all go daft here i'm not talking about beating the dog to a pulp, i'm talking about a kick up the arse for its troubles. I get what ya mean like when ya mate pisses ya off so ya give the prick a willy whop for being a dik lol
  19. To be honest i was talking about when the dog is fully trained, should have stated that.... When training i try to be less physical with them for the reasons you have mentioned. But when you have a fully trained dog just acting up then you have to disipline it.....imo.. I meant in general not specific to age, my dog is 18 months still needs work only had him about 4 of them.
  20. I tried it when attepting to stock break him and it pretty much fuked everything up like he wouldn't caine back when called I had to regain his trust I think putting him on his lead and keeping him tight on the lead works beg but I suppose not all dogs are te same
  21. Just wondered howany people hit there dog when it plays up? I prefer not too unless thier being and absoute c*nt I tell them off and put them on their leads but if I have to it's only a tap on the nose. Just wondered what you lot do?
  22. What breed is the blue one and where has all the fur from his head gone
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